PV panel makers face instability, says Bloomberg

Consultancy assesses that the imbalance of supply and demand caused a reduction in prices and an increase in layoffs at manufacturers
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Fabricantes de painéis FV passam por momento de instabilidade, diz Bloomberg
Despite the unstable scenario, Bloomberg predicts normalization of the sector. Photo: Freepik

You photovoltaic solar panel manufacturers must go through a moment of instability because of a supply of products and inputs much greater than demand.

According to Bloomberg, that imbalance between supply and demand has caused a reduction in input prices and, consequently, generated a higher number of layoffs in factories, especially in China, the largest manufacturer of this type of equipment.

This happens because, due to supply being greater than demand, many companies are currently forced to lay off idle workers.

A LONGi, one of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world, e.g. will lay off around 4 thousand employees.  

Despite the unstable scenario, Bloomberg highlights that forecasts point to a normalization of the sector and for a more robust demand for Chinese photovoltaic inputs soon.

“Solar panel costs have fallen sharply amid massive overcapacity at Chinese factories. Although costs are low, companies are having to tighten their belts and scramble to overcome this problem,” said Dan Murtaugh, Bloomberg reporter.   

The professional highlights, however, that the Most Chinese companies will continue to have a “bright future” with the solar energy, even if they go through a period of greater competition and lower profits than usual. 

“Because there is so much (solar power capacity available), that will have to be eliminated (by companies in the Chinese sector,” Murtaugh said. 

Last year, the world has installed more than 440 GW of solar capacity through the Chinese inputs. For 2024, this brand must pass the 500GW. 

“These are incredible numbers compared to a few years ago, when there was less than 100 GW,” said the Bloomberg reporter, reinforcing the strength that solar energy has been gaining globally. 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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