Pharmacy chain has more than 2 thousand units supplied with solar energy

RD Saúde Group, which encompasses the Raia and Drogasil brands, saved around R$ 17 million on electricity bills in 2023
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Rede de farmácias soma mais de 2 mil unidades abastecidas com energia solar
In total, there are 61 MW in solar energy projects. Image: RD Saúde/Disclosure

RD Saúde, a group that encompasses the Raia and Drogasil brands, already has 2,240 branches supplied with solar energy. In total, they are already 54 plants spread across 16 states, totaling 49 MW in operation

“Overcoming the milestone of 2,000 branches served by a clean energy program is a source of pride for us. We are at the forefront of the largest distributed generation project in pharmaceutical retail in the country and this has everything to do with our public commitment to taking care of people, bringing well-being to the population and adopting sustainable practices”, says Pedro Nogueira, engineering manager at RD Health.

According to RD Saúde, more 17 plants are under construction, adding another 12 MW of installed power to the portfolio. “With the expansion, the energy produced in 71 plants will reach 2,714 branches in 22 states. We are working to bring this model based on renewable energy sources to all of the more than 3,000 Raia and Drogasil pharmacies in the country”, says Nogueira.

The pharmacy chain has been investing in solar energy for five years, in partnership with Engie Soluções. The plants included in the contract guarantee more than 44,000 tons of CO2 equivalent avoided and almost 320,000 trees that have stopped being felled since the beginning of the partnership between the companies.

“The comprehensive scope of this collaboration reflects a commitment to efficiency and organization of energy use. In addition to the environmental benefit, there is also a financial advantage. RD Saúde pharmacies saved around R$ 17 million on the electricity bill in 2023 with compensation for the energy consumed by the plants”, says Jacques-Olivier Klotz, CEO of ENGIE Soluções.

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Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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