Goiás Farm gains sign made of solar panels

The photovoltaic system will provide savings of R$ 23 thousand on the electricity bill
3 minute(s) of reading
13-07-22-canal-solar-Fazenda de Goiás ganha letreiro formado por painéis solares
297 modules were installed, occupying an area of 756 m². Photo: Renovigi/Disclosure

Solar energy is gaining more and more fans in Brazil. In Bela Vista de Goiás, Estância K, a producer of Gir cattle for auction, invested in photovoltaic technology to, in addition to generating savings and sustainability, compose the sign with the name of the farm.

The plant, installed by WorkSolar with equipment Renew, has 297 modules, which occupy an area of 756 m². The estimated generation per month is 19,400 kWh. According to the company, in environmental terms, the photovoltaic system will avoid the emission of 2,423 kg of CO2, equivalent to planting nine trees per month.

Guilherme Gronefeld, director of WorkSolar, commented that assembling the nine letters that make up the plant was a great challenge, but the result was surprising. “This is the largest sign with solar panels we have ever made. At night, it will be illuminated by spotlights and can be seen from miles away from anyone passing by on the highway. In addition to beauty, the plant will bring more efficiency, savings and sustainability to Estância K”, he highlighted.

In total, R$ 700 thousand were invested in the construction of the project, which will provide savings of around R$ 23 thousand on the electricity bill. As it is connected to the SIN (National Interconnected System), the farm will be able to recover the surplus energy generated in credits.

According to Gustavo Müller Martins, CEO of Renovigi, the solar source has been a great ally for the agribusiness, which has specific lines of financing. “Photovoltaic energy represents a substantial economic gain in the production processes of the agro sector, in addition to providing steady energy in end-of-line regions or regions that are often not connected to the electrical grid”, he emphasized.

The executive also highlighted the environmental gains of solar, as by opting for this technology, the farmer is reducing his carbon footprint, helping to curb global warming.

WorkSolar PV Projects

WorkSolar has been operating for a year and has already reached the mark of 1.5 MW in installations, equivalent to around R$5 million in revenue. Accredited by Renovigi, the company has projects in practically all regions of Brazil.

“Photovoltaic energy has been growing a lot in Brazil. Several factors contribute to this, such as the lower cost of equipment, the various lines of financing offered by credit institutions and the targets for reducing CO2 emissions adopted by both governments and companies”, explained Gronefeld.

Midwest PV Potential

For Diego Leonel, Renovigi's regional supervisor in the Central-West, the region has gigantic growth potential, not only because it is the birthplace of agribusiness, but also because of the residential and service demands.

To give you an idea, according to data from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), the region, formed by the states of Mato Grosso, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal District, has already reached 1.6 GW of installed power in distributed generation in May.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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