'É o Amor' farm, by Zezé di Camargo, receives installation of a solar plant

System, 92.2 kWp, was installed on the property in Araguapaz (GO); Estimated savings are R$ 5,800 per month
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02-06-23-canal-solar-Fazenda ‘É o Amor’, de Zezé di Camargo, recebe instalação de usina solar
Zezé's property has 1,500 hectares of land. Photo: EcoPower/Disclosure

The country singer Zezé di Camargo decided to invest in solar energy and acquired a system for your farm “It’s Love”, located in the city of Araguapaz (GO).

After two weeks of installing the plant, the project was delivered last Monday (29) by EcoPower franchise network.

According to the company's engineering sector, the plant has 92.2 kWp egaverage monthly generation of 11,000 kWh. A Savings on the electricity bill are estimated at R$ 5,800 per month.

Zezé di Camargo adquiriu uma usina solar pela rentabilidade do projeto. Foto: EcoPower/Divulgação
Zezé di Camargo acquired a solar plant due to the project's profitability. Photo: EcoPower/Disclosure

“It will still be possible to transfer the excess energy to other properties located in the state and perhaps sell it to the distribution network”, added the singer.

In addition to saving on electricity on the property, Zezé di Camargo stated that the project was designed as a form of investment due to the profitability of 1.5% per month.

With 1,500 hectares of land and valued at around R$ 65 million, the “É o Amor” farm has hundreds of purebred cattle raised and serves as one of the country’s main sources of income.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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