Farm in SP invests in hybrid solution to reduce fuel costs

Integration with solar allowed the diesel generator installed on the property to operate with the plant off-grid
4 minute(s) of reading
27-07-23-canal-solar-Fazenda em SP investe em solução híbrida para reduzir custos com combustível
Ovos da Terra, located in the interior of São Paulo. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure

The company Earth Eggs, located in Mirassolândia (SP), which produces more than one million eggs per day, invested in a hybrid solution from the DEIF, which integrates utility grid, solar energy It is diesel generators.

The goal is reduce fuel costs during frequent power outages. This system makes it possible to operate the generator with the photovoltaic system without connecting to the utility company.

According to Carlos Alberto Parolari, CEO of Luz Sol Energia Solar, responsible for the project, with the DEIF system it was possible to configure the operation of the emergency generator to operate with the plant during a utility failure.

In the event of a failure, the emergency generator comes into operation as a network generator for the plant. The DEIF controller, in this case, manages its power, close to 30%, prioritizing maximum photovoltaic generation.

This is a pilot system composed of a cell (generator, solar, grid and two poultry sheds) that is already in operation, providing monthly savings of R$ 3 thousand in fuel, not yet including the costs of maintenance, lubricating oil and filters . The project is expected to be expanded to the other eight cells, generating monthly operational savings for the plant of R$ 27 thousand.

“In this project, the client faced problems with the electrical grid, which suffered frequent interruptions due to its rural location. When the grid failed, the diesel generator was used as a backup, but the solar plant was inoperative, resulting in high fuel consumption,” Parolari said.

Foram utilizados módulos de 455 W da JA Solar para a construção da usina. Foto: Luz Sol Energia Solar/Divulgação
455 W modules from JA Solar were used to build the plant. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure

“On hotter days, the generator operated under overload conditions, with a risk of overheating. Without electricity, the automated egg separation process would be impossible, directly affecting customer productivity,” he reported.

Another critical factor, according to him, was the temperature control of the poultry houses, which depend on electrical energy to maintain controlled climatic conditions and avoid high bird mortality.

Given this scenario, the executive stated that DEIF's hybrid project was the ideal solution, resulting in fuel savings, reduced carbon emissions and greater sustainability.

Arquitetura de controle da planta. Foto: DEIF/Divulgação
Plant control architecture. Photo: DEIF/Disclosure
Controlador AGC-150 Híbrido da DEIF. Foto: Luz Sol Energia Solar/Divulgação
DEIF Hybrid AGC-150 Controller. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure
Controlador AGC-150 Híbrido da DEIF. Foto: Luz Sol Energia Solar/Divulgação
DEIF Hybrid AGC-150 Controller. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure

Project details

In total, 504 455 W modules from JA Solar were installed to build the plant, which has 229.32 kWp. Monthly generation is 27,000 kWh, equivalent to 70% of customer consumption.

In addition, the project has three 50 kW Fronius Tauro inverters and a 25 kW Fronius Eco inverter; a 260 kVA generator.

The DEIF management system performs all automatic operations using only an AGC-150 Hybrid controller and the electrical protection of the connection to the utility, over/undervoltage 59P/27P; over/underfrequency 81O/81U; VECTOR JUMP 78 and DF/DT ROCOF 81R.

It also has a DEIF, DBC-1 2405 battery source/charger that maintains the back-up system with batteries to power the panel.

For more information visit the link.

Fronius Tauro de 50 kW. Foto: Luz Sol Energia Solar/Divulgação
Fronius Tauro 50 kW. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure
Fronius Eco de 25 kW. Foto: Luz Sol Energia Solar/Divulgação
Fronius Eco 25 kW. Photo: Luz Sol Solar Energy/Disclosure
Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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