Feirão in Fortaleza will sell photovoltaic systems at affordable prices

With several points of sale in the capital and the Metropolitan Region, the event started this Friday (10) and continues until Sunday (12)
Feirão de energia solar em Fortaleza
The public will have the opportunity to purchase photovoltaic systems at more affordable prices. Photo: Elements

Fortaleza and the Metropolitan Region of the capital of Ceará will receive from this Friday (10) the Solar Energy Fair, event organized by Sistema Verdes Mares in partnership with Sou Energy. 

The event aims to bring the public in the region closer to integrators representing companies specializing in the sales and installation of solar energy systems. 

There will be a three-day event, which takes place this Friday until Sunday (12) at several simultaneous service points in supermarkets.

During the fair, the public will have the opportunity to purchase their own photovoltaic solar energy systems at more affordable prices. 

“The idea is to bring solar energy to classes B, C and D. There is a myth that solar energy is something only for the rich. With the reduction in the price of equipment in the country, access for people using small systems with low energy demand is now very affordable”, explains Mário Viana, commercial manager at Sou Energy.

According to Viana, this is the first solar energy fair in the country. “With the event, we want to provide information, tell these people that they can have solar energy too”, he adds.

The expectation, according to the commercial manager, is that it will serve thousands of Ceará residents and complete the sale of 1200 photovoltaic energy generators. Service will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

See the points of sale at the Solar Energy Fair:


Max Supermercados

Address: Av. Mister Hull, 538 (Antônio Bezerra)

Company: Empecel

Super Villain (Matrix)

Address: Av. General Osório de Paiva, 7995 (Maracanaú)

Company: Elektro Engenharia

Super Vilton (Branch)

Address: Av. Padre José Holanda do Vale, 1800 (Maracanaú)

Company: JANR-TEC

Araripe Supermarket

Address: Avenida Airton Sena, 50 (Eusébio)

Company: Eletro Prime

Mercadão Tend Tudo

Address: Rua Alexandre Joca, 62 (Horizon)

Company: 1000 Lux

Super Portugal

Address: Rua Bragança, 874 (Granja Portugal)

Company: COTE Energia Solar

Anali Supermarket

Address: Rua Sargento João Pinheiro, 1740 (Bom Jardim)

Company: Volts

Araripe Supermarket

Address: Rua Tenente Francisco Paiva, 640 (Bom Jardim)

Company: Solaris News

Anali Supermarket

Address: Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 852 (Demócrito Rocha)

Company: Sol Mais Energy

Super Portugal

Address: Rua Montevideo, 200 (Serrinha)

Company: Sun Work

Telefrango Supermarket

Address: Av. Heróis do Acre, 465 (Passaré)

Company: EPC Solar

Telefrango Supermarket

Address: Rua Joaquim Felício, 375 (Messejana)

Company: Mareal

Super Portugal

Address: Av. Jose Leon, 1852 (City of Employees)

Company: Sunplena

Super Retail

Address: Rua Dr. João Amora, 360 (Vila Manoel Sátiro)

Company: ST Solar

Comet João Carlos

Address: Av. Governador João Carlos, 858 (Serrinha)

Company: Linear Projetos

Comet Neighborhood of Fátima

Address: AV Dep. Oswaldo Studart, 200 (Bairro de Fátima)

Company: Sun Work

Comet Castelo Branco

Address: Avenida Castelo Branco, 5211 (Barra do Ceará)

Company: Del Plata Solar

Comet Osório de Paiva

Address: Avenida Osório de Paiva, 6544 (Siqueira)

Company: EPC Solar

Comet Waldir Diogo

Address: Rua Waldir Diogo, 1138 (Parque São José)

Company: JANR-TEC

Comet Idelfonso Albano

Address: Rua Idelfonso Albano, 2260 (Aldeota)

Company: Nord Energy

Comet Siqueira

Address: Avenida Osório de Paiva, 2951 (Siqueira)

Company: Volts

Telefrango Supermarket

Address: Rua Júlio Braga, 1490 (João XXIII)

Company: Del Plata Solar

Supribem Supermarket

Address: Av. Aguanambi, 880 (Fátima)

Company: Linear Projetos

Super Portugal

Address: Rua Monsenhor Salazar, 928 (São João do Tauape)

Company: ST Solar

Mother Queen Supermarket

Address: Rua Paulo Batista, 120, Pajuçara (Maracanaú)

Company: MF Energy

Comet Oliveira Paiva

Address: Avenida Oliveira Paiva, 1881 (City of Employees)

Company: ST Solar

Comet Julio Lima

Address: Rua Doutor Júlio Lima, 676 (City of Employees)

Company: Sunplena

Comet Friar Cyril

Address: Avenida Frei Cirilo, 4027 (Messejana)

Company: CTA

Comet Joaquim Felício

Address: Rua Joaquim Felício, 809 (Messejana)

Company: Elektro Engenharia

Semper Aki Supermarket

Address: Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 3759

Company: Nord Energy

Medeiros Supermarket

Address: Avenida J, 130 (José Walter)

Company: MF Energy

Comet Supermarket

Address: Rua Capitão Valdemar de Lima, 140 (Maracanaú)

Company: Sol Mais Energy



Solar Energy Fair  

When: 12/10 (Friday), from 8am to 6pm. 11 and 12/12 (Saturday and Sunday) from 7am to 3pm 

Sales locations and more information: www.feiraoenergiasolar.com.br  

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

2 Responses

  1. This event will be very good, as this Photovoltaic Energy sector still has little publicity, despite being vital for every human being.

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