February ends with price stability in the international market

In a month marked by the Chinese New Year holiday, values have remained stable since the beginning
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Fevereiro se encerra com estabilidade de preços no mercado internacional
February ended as it began: without major price fluctuations. Photo: Oregon Department of Transportation/Flickr

A InfoLink Consulting released, this Thursday (29), its most new weekly newsletter, in a month that showed stability in the prices of photovoltaic inputs on the market since the beginning of February.

The month, which featured the Chinese New Year holiday, ended as it began: without major price fluctuations.

This week, only modules with PERC technology dropped 3% in US currency, with sales in the range of US$ 0.31/W.

Check out the following main points of the last bulletin, about the inputs and components of the photovoltaic production chain:


Both supply and demand in the ingot segment have not seen major changes in the last week. Manufacturers continued to deliver earlier orders in an unstable market. The input capacity grew month by month, reaching the range between 60 and 70 thousand metric tons at the end of this month.


There was interest from manufacturers in increasing prices, following production cuts due to this month's holiday in China. However, price growth is not expected to occur in the near future and is subject to acceptance by module producers until there is an increase in the price of modules.


Manufacturers began production early, increasing production plans to the 50 to 53 GW range in anticipation of a recovery in demand in March and April.

Europe is still replenishing its inventory, while construction projects utility-scale in China may take time to materialize.

The consultancy understands that, in general, prices should remain stable in March. To recover, the sector is waiting for an increase in demand.

Furthermore, future price trends are subject to an increase in demand in China between April and May, the progress of shipping to the international market, and the impact of other sectors.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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