Bloomberg NEF Forum Addresses Challenges and Opportunities for Clean Energy

Event focused on the potential and favorable conditions that the country presents for the green economy
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Fórum sobre transição energética
Energy transition and green economy were the themes of the meeting. Photo: Bloomberg Advisory/Reproduction

O BloombergNEF Annual Forum, held on Wednesday morning (13) in São Paulo (SP), discussed how the Brazil you can take advantage of your competitive advantages and natural resources for economic generation.

According to data presented at the event, the Brazil attracted US$ 35 billion in investments in energy transition in 2023, placing the country in 6th place in the world and first in the ranking of emerging countries.

The speakers stated the favorable conditions for Brazil, in the production of green products, renewable energy technologies, critical minerals, carbon credits. The panels also highlighted the lack of public policies to boost the sector.

In the panel 'The future of the Brazilian electricity sector', James Ellis (BloombergNEF) said that Brazil is the G20 member that invests the most in transition, led by BNDES, which is the bank that finances the most renewable projects in the world.

Opportunities include low-cost green hydrogen at US$$1.47/kilo by 2030, green fertilizers, transition metals such as graphite and manganese and green steel.

The issue of regulation for the green transition was highlighted in Luciana Costa do's speech BNDES, the manager pointed out that there is a delay in introducing the green package in Brazil compared to other countries, but stressed that the bills necessary for regulation are advancing in Congress.

A decarbonization It is also a promising factor that can boost investments in the country, as we already have a cleaner energy matrix. 

Investment in decarbonization can boost the economy, as the country can become the main destination for green stimuli in the world, highlighted Roberta Cox (GWEC) and José Puga from JGP Asset Management.

The framework on Amazonas addressed climate and social justice. The state governor, Wilson Lima and the environment secretary, Eduardo Taveira, spoke about the importance of exploring the natural resources of the Amazon, such as potassium, gas and native forests, in a sustainable way. This ensures the food and social security of the population.

Green hydrogen needs investment in public policies

One of the biggest current highlights in the renewable scenario, green hydrogen, was the subject of discussion. Panelists Luciana Costa (BNDES), Luiz Viga (Fortscue) and Maria Gabriela da Rocha Oliveira (Atlas Agro), highlighted the importance of government public policies to leverage the fuel's production potential.

According to the speakers, to make Brazilian green hydrogen more competitive than gray hydrogen, it is necessary to lower prices, increase incentives and invest in technology, to compete in both the national and international markets.

Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Solar Photovoltaic Energy) was present at the event and commented on the pressure to reduce incentives for solar and wind sources, while subsidies for fossil sources such as oil, gas and coal continue.

Koloszuk states that it is logical to first remove incentives from these dirty sources, before changing solar and wind subsidies, because these sources are cheaper and contribute to the environment and the energy transition.

“It is extremely important to invest in incentives for the production of green hydrogen, just as was done with solar and wind energy, which need to continue with subsidies to keep the sector warm and prices competitive,” said Koloszuk.

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