Food franchises invest in solar energy subscription

The option is a solution for entrepreneurs who are in rented properties
Canal Solar Franquias de alimentação economizam com assinatura de energia solar
The difference is the absence of the need for your own investment in a photovoltaic system

Investment in sustainability programs integrating solar energy subscription, intelligent monitoring and consumption control systems for energy efficiency have been recurrent among food franchises.

Among them are the Spoleto, China in Box and Subway units that operate in Baixada Santista, in São Paulo. According to the companies, the energy bill is around R$ 5,000 to 10,000 per month and, with investment in these programs, the savings reach approximately 15%.

In addition to reducing electricity bill costs, the investment reinforces the interest of small businesses in working based on a “green agenda”.

Today, one of the companies offering solar energy subscription services in the state of São Paulo is Sun Mobi, an enertech specialized in the remote generation of clean and renewable electricity. The company's business model allows the consumer to purchase the service in the same way as is done with the Internet and Cable TV.

To this end, Sun Mobi manages photovoltaic plants located in the cities of Porto Feliz (SP) and Araçoiaba da Serra (SP) and which are connected to the CPFL Piratininga distribution system, which serves 27 cities in the interior of São Paulo and Baixada Santista.

According to the company, currently around 400 consumer units in the state of São Paulo, with the vast majority of small and medium-sized companies, rely on its solar energy subscription service.

“It is an option for consumers who are in rented properties, apartments or who are unable to invest in a photovoltaic system”, explains Alexandre Bueno, partner at Sun Mobi.

He also highlights that consumers have relief on their electricity bills for two reasons. “Firstly, they actively manage their consumption with the sensors and information made available by Sun Mobi and, secondly, due to the absence of the infamous tariff flags on the energy bills of the company’s customers”.

Bueno also highlights that the company's goal is bold for the coming years. “We have been doubling our customer base every two years and we hope to reach 6 thousand consumers served in the next three years”, he adds.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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