Fund should boost energy transition in small industries

Companies in SP will be able to finance the purchase and installation of more energy-efficient equipment

Further boost credit to finance projects aimed at modernizing and reducing emissions in small and medium-sized industries, in addition to facilitating the adoption of renewable energy matrices.

This is the objective of the Guarantee Fund for the Development of Energy Efficiency in the State of São Paulo, a law approved by the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo (Alesp) on December 21st and sanctioned by Governor Rodrigo Garcia on the 28th.

Desenvolvimento SP, a São Paulo development agency, will be responsible for screening projects and disbursing resources to entrepreneurs. Companies and cooperatives will be able to finance the purchase and installation of more energy-efficient equipment that reduces CO2 emissions.

“The fund will allow us to greatly expand support for micro and small companies in this process of transition to more efficient operations, giving them not only the opportunity to recover their own emissions liabilities but also placing them on a new and better level of operational quality and environmental”, said Gabriela Chiste, president of Desenvolvimento SP.

According to the executive, the operational characteristics of the fund have already been defined. The leverage will be eight times the balance, with coverage of up to 90% of the financed amount. Furthermore, projects with thermal interventions will have better conditions, with a rate of 0.03% and a term of 120 months, while other projects will have a rate of 0.1% and a term of 60 months.

In addition to the new fund, law 641/2022 also established the State Energy Efficiency Guidance Council, which should guide the creation of public policies in the state.

The main application of the Guarantee Fund will be within the scope of the Transformative Investments in Energy Efficiency in Industry Program (PotencializEE). The program, in which Desenvolvimento SP is one of the partners alongside Fiesp, Ciesp, Senai and others, is already in operation and should allow industries in São Paulo to modernize their industrial park.

According to data from Potencializee, Brazilian industrial machinery is, on average, 17 years old, accounts for 32% of final energy consumption and almost 9% of greenhouse gas emissions in the country. Around 730 small and medium-sized companies in São Paulo are already registered in the program.

To consult and request financing, visit https Develop SP

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Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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