G7 discusses 2035 as deadline to close coal plants

Meeting between the energy ministers of the bloc countries takes place in Italy and started this Sunday (28)
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G7 discute 2035 como prazo final para encerramento de usinas de carvão
Ministers discussed ending coal plant operations over the next 11 years. Photo: Freepik/Reproduction

energy ministers of the countries of G7 (Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan and United Kingdom) are discussing close the activities of its power plants powered by coal until 2035. The information was released by Reuters Agency.

A coal deal would mark an important step towards discussions carried out on fossil fuels at COP-28 in Dubai last year. 

According to Reuters, the discussion was carried out at the last Sunday (28) and one of the member countries opposes the measure. A meeting of energy ministers is scheduled to take place second (29) and third (30) in the city of Turin, Italy, which holds the rotating presidency of the G7 in 2024.

Two sources told Reuters that, in addition to seeking an agreement to end coal in electricity generation, Italy also wants to stimulate efforts for develop battery storage capacity and boost the investment in energy networks, as the G7 increases its renewable energy production.

The block may determine the need for an increase in six times at battery capacity, for energy storage, until 2030 relative to 2022 levels.

Vision of Italy

At the top of Italian priorities on the topic are also the nuclear energy and the biofuels. According to sources, the country wants to see both energy sources in the final communiqué between choice options for the G7 countries for reduction of the use of fossil fuels both in energy generation and transport.

Rome still claims that nuclear energy must do part of the goal from the country of zero carbon emissions until 2050, despite its rejection in a national referendum in 2011.

Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the country's energy minister, said on Sunday that he hoped to convince the European Energy Commission that biofuels can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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