Solar DG shows an increasing trend of 80% in 2022

Ministry of Mines and Energy points out that the increase is a reflection of public policies to encourage renewable sources
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11-10-22-canal-solar-GD solar apresenta tendência de aumento de 80% em 2022
Solar GD follows an increasing trend in Brazil. Photo: Freepik

O MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) published, this Monday (10), the Monthly Energy Bulletin referring to the month of July 2022.

The publication presented tincrease endency of more than 80% in the installed capacity of photovoltaic source referring to DG (distributed generation) compared to the previous year.

Gráfico: MME
Chart: EMA

According to the MME, the strong increase in GD is reflection of public incentive policies renewable energy sources and distributed micro and minigeneration, such as Law No. 13,203/2015 and the Law No. 14,300/2022.

Other data

The supply of hydraulic energy continues to show a growth trend, of 7.6% in the year, even with a decline in imports from Itaipu, of 13.8%.

Added to the decrease in the consumption of natural gas for electrical generation and the resumption of the share of sugarcane products, a scenario of decreasing share of fossil thermoelectric plants is presented.

According to the Authority, this factor generates lower losses during generation and impacts a lower rate of growth in OIE (Internal Energy Supply) when compared to CFE (Final Energy Consumption).

Therefore, for 2022, it is estimated that the OIE will grow by around 0.9%, while the CFE would reach 2.8%, with renewables increasing in share, from 44.7% to 46.5%.

Internal Electricity Supply

For OIEE (Internal Electricity Supply), there is a tendency for an increase of 2.1%, with renewables reaching a share of 84.5% in the year. Before the Complementary Law 194/2022, with a change in the incidence of ICMS, the price of electricity tariffs continues to fall.

In relation to the month of July last year, the Ministry stated that there was a reduction of 10.5%, 8.0% and 6.1% for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors, respectively. When compared to the entire previous year, rates are still high.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.
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