GD Solar in homes reaches historic mark of 3 GW in installed power

Of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, more than 93.4% have at least one photovoltaic consumer unit
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DG (distributed generation) in homes and residential buildings surpassed the mark of 3 GW of installed solar power this Wednesday (13). The numbers presented consolidate the segment as the largest consumer class in the country, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

Compared to the same period last year, the amount more than doubled: from 1.4 GW to the current 3 GW. “This is a very significant number and represents a huge achievement for the market,” said Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Energia Solar.

The data also shows that Brazilian homes have more than 479,000 solar systems installed in the SCEE (Electric Energy Compensation System). Currently, of the 5.57 thousand national municipalities, more than 93.4% (5.2 thousand) have at least one house or residential building with solar energy.

“Our guess is that residential solar DG will reach at least 6 GW of installed power in 2022. In other words, only next year will we reach the same 3 GW that took around eight years to reach,” he stated. Aldo Pereira, founder and president of Aldo Solar. 

In addition to the power accumulated by homes, the country also has another 2.53 GW of photovoltaic energy produced from commercial establishments; 974 MW from rural properties and 562 MW from the industrial hub. Solar energy provided by systems installed in government buildings, public service units and municipal street and avenue lighting were responsible for the combined generation of another 95 MW. 

“Solar energy has become very popular among captive residential consumers who mainly seek to save energy amid the water and energy crisis that the country has been going through. Brazil needs to quickly migrate to the 3D generation model (decentralized, digitalized and decarbonized) and generating its own energy is the best way to “save” both on the electricity bill and on the environmental resources bill”, commented Alexandre Borin, commercial manager from the Fronius Solar Energy unit

Real estate financing 

At the end of September, the Senate approved the Bill (PL 2015/2021) that encourages solar through real estate financingO. The text, authored by senator Kátia Abreu (PP-TO), provides for the inclusion of the value relating to the acquisition and installation of a photovoltaic energy system in the financing of housing property, within the scope of the SFH (Housing Financial System).

The project was sent for analysis in the Chamber of Deputies and, if approved, will be sent for presidential approval before coming into force. Katia Abreu defends the project, highlighting the advantages of photovoltaic panels as a way of protecting the environment and reducing the use of polluting sources, such as thermoelectric plants. 


Image: Pedro Henrique Bonadiman Conceição

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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