Solar GD already exceeds the installed power of the entire year 2020 in 2021

Volume recorded reached the mark of 2.67 GW in the accumulated period from January 1st to November 11th
GD solar já supera em 2021 a potência instalada do ano inteiro de 2020
Almost 100% of the systems installed in the country have up to 750 kW. Photo: Rodolfo Carvalho.

Even with all the problems in the global supply chain, solar energy continues to break generation records in Brazil. With just over 40 days left until the end of the year, the installed photovoltaic power in the DG (distributed generation) segment in 2021 is already greater than in the entire year 2020.  

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the solar source reached, in the early evening of this Wednesday (10), the mark of 2.668 GW of installed power in the accumulated period from January 1st to November 10th. In all of last year, this number was 2,665 GW.

The partial numbers for 2021 also represent a record for the sector, considering that in no other year has there been record of so much installed power from capturing sunlight in homes, commercial establishments, rural properties, among other classes of consumption. .

ANEEL data also shows that even though we have a little more installed power than in 2020, the number of systems installed this year is almost 25.4% higher: 267.7 thousand compared to 213.4 thousand – which highlights a clear preference of Brazilian consumers for systems with a lower power range.

According to the Agency, of the 267.7 thousand solar systems installed in the country, around 267.5 thousand are systems with up to 750 kW, which corresponds to 99.92% of the total. One of the main reasons explaining the numbers is the increase in the value of the electricity bill. “Solar energy has helped to lower the electricity bill for all Brazilians by reducing the use of fossil thermoelectric plants, which are more expensive, polluting and responsible for red flags, including the additional water shortage”, highlighted Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

Consumer units

This week, Brazil also surpassed the mark of 800 thousand consumer units with their own solar energy generation, according to information from ABSOLATE, based on data from ANEEL.

According to the association, the modality already represents more than 7.2 GW of operational installed power. Since 2012, the source has been responsible for attracting more than R$ 36.7 billion in investments to the country, adding more than 217 thousand jobs in the period. 

“Solar energy will have an increasingly strategic role in achieving the country’s economic and environmental development goals, especially at this time, to help with the recovery of the post-pandemic economy”, highlighted Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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