Solar DG exceeds 30 GW of installed power

Since 2012, there have been around R$ 146.4 billion in investments, highlights ABSOLAR
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GD solar ultrapassa 30 GW de potência instalada
Own solar generation on roofs, facades and small plots of land helps reduce costs for all energy consumers. Image: Rodolfo Carvalho

According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), in Brazil, the own solar energy generation reached the milestone 30 GW of installed power in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings.

This advance generated important economic and social impacts, as pointed out in the consultancy study Volt Robotics, commissioned by ABSOLAR, helping to reduce costs for all electricity consumers.

Currently, solar energy is already present in 5,546 municipalities in all Brazilian states, over 2.7 million systems installed. Since 2012, there have been around R$ 146.4 billion in new investments, which generated more than 902 thousand green jobs accumulated in the period, contributing to a collection to public coffers of more than R$ 43.6 billions.

According to Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR, the exponential growth in self-generation of solar energy is a clear sign of the popularization of the technology in the national territory. 

“Market analysts point out that, in 2023 alone, solar panels registered a drop of around 50% in the average final price, increasing attractiveness and access by Brazilian consumers of different profiles”, he commented.

“Therefore, this is the best time to invest in solar systems in homes, businesses and rural properties. And there is still enormous potential for growth in the use of photovoltaic technology, as Brazil has around 92.4 million electricity consuming units in the captive market”, he added.

Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR, points out that the growth of photovoltaic sources increases Brazil's leading role in the geopolitics of the global energy transition. “Technology also strengthens sustainability, relieves family budgets and increases the competitiveness of Brazilian productive sectors”, he clarified.

“By bringing electricity generation closer to consumption locations, solar own generation reduces the use of transmission infrastructure, relieving pressure on its operation and reducing losses over long distances, which contributes to reliability and safety at critical moments”, concluded Sauaia.

Government Guidelines

Recently, the CNPE (National Energy Policy Council) published guidelines for calculating the costs and benefits of distributed generation, as set out in Resolution No. 2/2024. The determinations signal to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) the creation of a fair, complete and transparent pricing mechanism for Brazilians.

ABSOLAR points out that such guidelines are aligned with Law No. 14,300/2022, which requires the correct identification and incorporation of GD benefits, a point defended in the legal framework of the modality. 

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Picture of Emily Castro
Emily Castro
Graduated in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. He has experience in producing articles for journalistic portals, radio and podcasts.

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