Genyx is the 1st company certified by the ABSOLAR quality program

Company achieved certification at the highest level, in the importers/distributors category
Canal Solar Genyx é a 1ª empresa certificada pelo programa de qualidade da ABSOLAR
The official announcement was made this Monday (7) by the association

The importer and distributor of photovoltaic equipment Genyx Solar Power is the first company to win the ABSOLAR quality program certification (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). The official announcement was made this Monday (7) by the association.

The distributor of photovoltaic kits received certification at the maximum level (AAA), in the Importers/Distributors category. The evaluation of documentation and in-person audit was carried out by the OCD (Designated Certification Body) LOT Internacional Brasil.

For ABSOLAR, Genyx certification is an example for the approximately 25 thousand companies in the sector in the country and a milestone in the constant advancement of the Brazilian photovoltaic market.

Bruno Catta Black, director of Genyx, emphasizes that the certification is a reflection of the company's level of excellence throughout its operation, both in products, services and customer service. “Our quality policies and best practices are constantly evolving and seek to follow the development of the Brazilian photovoltaic market”, he states.

Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR, highlights that the certification program seeks to promote healthy competitiveness, so that companies in the solar photovoltaic sector can demonstrate to the market that they work in accordance with the best business practices.

“The solar photovoltaic market is evolving at a rapid pace in Brazil and around the world, with growing consumer demand and the popularization of technology. While new companies emerge daily in the country, those already working in the sector need to maintain continuous investments to improve processes, products and services, precisely to take advantage of opportunities”, comments Sauaia.

“With certification, companies gain a great market differential, as is the case now with Genyx Solar Power, with the demonstration of solidity and quality, as well as increasing the confidence of the end customer, in addition to counting on the approval and credibility of ABSOLATE”, he adds.

“ABSOLAR Quality” Program

According to ABSOLAR, the program was structured within the so-called designation mechanism, a process in which an entity recognizes the capacity and authorizes specialized and independent certifying companies to carry out quality and safety analyzes and assessments within the parameters pre-established in the program.

In total, there are three levels of membership, which include certification for companies that meet basic, intermediate and advanced requirements. The certification cycle is 36 months and companies can request entry into any of the levels provided.

More information can be obtained clicking here.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.
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