Distributed generation should grow by around 8 GW in 2023, points out ABGD

Representatives of the association spoke about forecast growth and challenges in the sector during Energyear Brasil 2023
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15-02-23-canal-solar-Geração distribuída deve crescer cerca de 8 GW em 2023, aponta ABGD
Growth in distributed generation is driven by solar sources. Photo: Freepik

After doubling its power in 2022 in the own energy generation segment, going from 8.5 GW in December 2021 to 17 GW in the following twelve months, the Brazil must maintain the sharp growth in this segment in 2023.

The expectation, announced by ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation), is that the sector adds around 8 GW of installed power. The forecast was announced during the participation of executives from entity at Energyear Brasil 2023, held on February 8th and 9th in São Paulo.

Guilherme Chrispim, president of ABGD, highlighted during the panel on the scenario and challenges of distributed generation that the trend for this modality is to maintain continuous growth in the coming years, even with the regulatory challenges currently faced, especially in the regulation of law 14,300.

“Brazil should put around 8 GW in DG power this year. In absolute numbers, we should have a growth scenario very similar to last year, but there are some challenges along the way, such as the resolutions proposed by ANEEL, different from what was considered for the preparation of the GD legal framework”, he said. .

“There is a discussion with the agency, which is healthy, but we disagree with some propositions. Law 14,300 was widely discussed and drafted with great care so that we would have legal certainty. If there are differences in what was proposed for the law, the development of the sector will certainly be harmed”, he added.

Energyear Brasil 2023's main objectives were to discuss the importance of the energy transition in the country, which segments of this market have stood out in recent years and how the main companies in the sector have adapted to address the challenges and opportunities in a territory that is a global reference. in terms of renewable energy.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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