Solar distributed generation reaches 4 GW of installed power in Brazil

Brazilian consumers are increasingly seeking savings and sustainability through photovoltaic sources
Geração distribuída solar chega a 4 GW de potência instalada no Brasil

DG (distributed generation) of solar energy reached 4 GW of installed power this Friday (13), according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). In total, there are more than 411 thousand UCs (Consumer Units) receiving credits, more than 330 thousand photovoltaic plants installed in more than 5 thousand Brazilian cities.

Among the consumption classes, commercial has the highest installed power with 1.54 GW, followed by residential with 1.51 GW and rural with 0.52 GW. This milestone for the Brazilian solar sector attests that more and more Brazilian consumers are seeking savings and sustainability through photovoltaic sources.

“In 2017, ANEEL projected that we would not reach this mark before 2024. This mark being surpassed more than four years in advance shows how strong our sector is, hardworking, creating jobs and above any forecast from official bodies”, highlighted Leandro Martins, president of Ecori.

We have to congratulate everyone who sweats on thousands of rooftops every day, the engineers who focus on each project to make it come to fruition, those who work hard to sell the systems and keep the sector active and everyone who they believed and continue to work with love and honesty for the benefit of the sector”, added Martins.

According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), since 2012 the Brazilian photovoltaic market has employed more than 110 thousand people in the last eight years. “Solar energy will have an increasingly strategic role in achieving the country’s economic development goals, as it is the renewable source that generates the most jobs in the world”, pointed out the CEO of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia.

Alexandre Borin, Manager at Fronius, which has been operating in the Brazilian photovoltaic sector since the beginning of GD in 2012, celebrates the milestone reached. “The solar energy market in Brazil showed this year that it has very solid fundamentals as, even in the face of a global pandemic, it continues to grow and reach this historic mark of 4GW. Fronius is proud to be part of this brand, selling inverters since 2012 in Brazil, and being directly responsible for more than 1/3 of the installed DG power”, he highlighted.

Executive Aldo Teixeira, president of Aldo Solar, emphasized that solar remains expanding despite the pandemic. “We had a historic year in terms of the growth of solar energy adoption in Brazil. This number demonstrates that the country has been embracing photovoltaic solar energy and that we are on the right path to grow exponentially in 2021. For next year, the expectation is to double once again and reach another 4 GW in installed power in the country”.

For Camila Nascimento, commercial director at Win Energias Renováveis, this milestone reiterates the strength and resilience of the solar sector. “The photovoltaic source in distributed generation took seven years to reach the first gigawatt and, in 2020 alone, it already reached 2 GW, 3 GW and now 4 GW. This is an extraordinary achievement in Brazil, driven by the feasibility of reducing spending by citizens and increasing competitiveness by companies. It is very gratifying to be part of this story and contribute to changing the Brazilian energy matrix”, he emphasized.

For Gustavo Malagoli Buiatti, founder and technology director of Alsol Energias Renováveis, photovoltaic solar DG reaching 4 GW of installed power proves the importance of the photovoltaic source for the Brazilian electrical matrix. ” In 2012, the solar source had an insignificant share in relation to other sources, it did not even appear as a participating source in the Brazilian electrical matrix, and many people believed that there would be no space for the solar source due to the price and the potential of water, biomass and wind energy in the country. Today, 8 years later, distributed generation has already surpassed 4GW. This growth is explained by the high potential of solar resources everywhere in the country. The tendency is to continue growing due to the complementarity of different sources in our country”.

“The solar source is emerging as one of the main actors in the diversification, decentralization, digitalization and decarbonization of the Brazilian electricity sector. GD solar will certainly continue to greatly increase its participation in our matrix in the coming years”, concluded Malagoli.

Image credits: José Soares/ANEEL

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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