Smart generation and consumption: technologies to increase financial return

An integrated and intelligent system is capable of designing the best energy consumption strategy
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Geração e consumo inteligente: tecnologias para aumentar o retorno financeiro

Home automation is a hot topic. Voice assistants on your cell phone are already capable of turning lights on and off, programming the air conditioning temperature while you are traveling to your home, as well as controlling sunshields, smart locks, sound and monitoring systems.

Therefore, it is expected that the photovoltaic system will integrate into this ecosystem and enrich the final user experience.

Photovoltaic systems and smart consumption

Photovoltaic inverters can be seen as the heart of the photovoltaic system. They convert, monitor and deliver energy, therefore, the automation possibilities are concentrated there.

In order for the inverter to make decisions about how to act and where to act, there must be internal programming that is fed by a set of sensors and that will decide which actuators to activate.

Figura 1: Um sistema integrado e inteligente é capaz de se comunicar com atuadores e sensores a fim de traçar a melhor estratégia de consumo energético
Figure 1: An integrated and intelligent system is capable of communicating with actuators and sensors in order to design the best energy consumption strategy

Each manufacturer has a set of specific sensors for their equipment, however, it is common to find smart energy meters close to the connection point to the grid.

These devices work by measuring the amount of energy consumed in the enterprise and injected into the public grid, in a similar way to the bidirectional meter, with the aim of informing the inverter about the energy situation of the system as a whole at each moment.

Figura 2: Medidor bidirecional inteligente
Figure 2: Smart bidirectional meter. Source: Fronius

With information on the amount of energy being generated and injected, it is possible to estimate the instantaneous consumption of the enterprise.

The inverter, armed with this information, will be able to activate some loads such as the resistance of a boiler, charging batteries and electric cars, for example, at times when the energy generated is greater than that consumed by the enterprise.

In this way, the energy that would be surplus and injected into the public energy network is then consumed in the consumer unit.

As in some states ICMS in a portion of the injected energy, the profitability of the photovoltaic system will be improved.

This alternative becomes even more attractive if the current energy compensation rules (defined in Normative Resolution No. 482) are changed, since the proposals from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) would reduce the percentage of energy compensation (as will be explored later in this article).

Figura 3: Um mesmo sistema pode ter perfis de consumo muito diferentes, o que impacta diretamente no benefício financeiro
Figure 3: The same system can have very different consumption profiles, which directly impacts the financial benefit

This activation of loads can happen either digitally through the device's ports, wirelessly or even directly integrated into the inverters, as in the case of hybrid models and models with a built-in vehicle charger.

There are already several manufacturers on the market with inverters that allow this communication and device operation.

Figura 4: Portas de comunicação para automação em inversor Fronius. As portas 1 e 2 fazem a comunicação através de pinos digitais enquanto a porta 3 faz a comunicação via cabo de rede. Este modelo de inversor também permite a comunicação com atuadores e sensores de forma sem fio
Figure 4: Communication ports for automation on a Fronius inverter. Ports 1 and 2 communicate via digital pins while port 3 communicates via network cable. This inverter model also allows wireless communication with actuators and sensors
 Figura 5: Tomada inteligente controlada via Wi-Fi através do inversor
Figure 5: Smart socket controlled via Wi-Fi through the inverter
Figura 6: Os contatores se comportam como uma chave controlada por um acionamento externo, no caso, os comandos enviados pelos pinos digitais do inversor
Figure 6: The contactors behave like a switch controlled by an external drive, in this case, the commands sent by the digital pins of the inverter

ICMS, new rules and financial impact

The energy bill is made up of a portion referring to the energy itself, called TE, and a portion referring to the use of the network, called TUSD.

In some states, such as SP, RJ, RS and ES, the excess energy generation exported to the grid has a decrease in its financial value, as the ICMS of the TUSD portion is charged on it.


Table 1: Monthly invoice with Light tariffs in RJ, ICMS is charged on the TUSD portion of energy injected into the public grid

Tabela 1: Fatura mensal com tarifas da Light no estado do Rio de Janeiro, há cobrança de ICMS na parcela da TUSD da energia injetada na rede pública

An intelligent system increases consumption along with the load, reducing the need for energy supplied by the concessionaire and also reducing the amount of energy injected, therefore, minimizing the impact of ICMS charges on TUSD.

The table below exemplifies this impact by simulating a load that consumes 200 kWh/month being consumed outside system generation hours and during system generation hours;

Table 2: Energy bill, now using the drive solution. Cost reduction estimated at R$ 31.64

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As previously mentioned, in the case of ANEEL's new proposal for the compensation of energy credits, the energy injected into the public grid will not be fully compensated (see further details in our article: Impacts of the change to RN 482 – distributed generation rules).

In table 3, a simulation of energy costs is made taking into account alternative 2 proposed by ANEEL, in which the energy injected into the grid would have a discount of 34% from the tariff for the total injected energy.

Table 3: Example energy bill, simulating alternative 2 of ANEEL's review proposal

Tabela 3: Fatura de energia do exemplo, simulando a alternativa 2 da proposta de revisão da ANEEL

By avoiding the injection of energy into the grid and consumption alongside the load, the impact of the proposed new regulation is reduced.

In this case, a load that consumes 200 kWh/month is also being considered and is consumed outside of system generation hours and during system generation hours, and the results can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4: Energy bill according to ANEEL's review proposal, in Alternative 2. The impact on energy compensation causes consumption profiles to have greater differences in values. With intelligent consumption, the cost reduction is R$90.04

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The smart meter costs around R$2000 already with installation, a value easily justified by the benefit it provides, as in the example, where the annual savings reach R$1080.

Hybrid battery systems are also an alternative to increase the energy independence of the enterprise and minimize the energy injected into the grid, especially in those cases where it is not possible to control load consumption.

In this type of system, the battery would receive the instantaneous surplus energy and return it in moments where the smart meter indicates that solar generation is not capable of supplying all the necessary energy.

Picture of Mateus Vinturini
Matthew Vinturini
Specialist in photovoltaic systems and electrical engineer graduated from UNICAMP (State University of Campinas). Science and technology enthusiast, with experience in the field of solar energy, both commercially and in the design, dimensioning and installation of photovoltaic systems. 

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