Instantaneous solar energy generation breaks record in the Northeast 

The Brazilian region also reached a new record for wind energy generation in July
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Título: Geração instantânea de energia solar bate recorde no Nordeste
Ituverava Solar Park, in Bahia, one of the largest in South America. Photo: Enel

A solar energy in North East hit a new one instant generation record, according to data from the ONS (National Electric System Operator). 

On July 12th, at 10:28 am, the region's solar panels produced 2,963 MW, one volume equivalent to 27.5% of regional demand in that minute.

Known for its long periods of sunshine, the Northeast region occupies a prominent position in Brazil when it comes to solar energy generation. 

Altogether, the The location already has 120 large-scale plants in operation, with combined power of 3.23 GW. 

According to the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), this is a volume that represents 62.8% of all inspected power in operation in the country (5.09 GW). 

The region is also preparing to receive another 47 plants under construction and another 427, which have already been granted, but have not yet started work. 

Once operational, these new large plants will add another 19,040 MW. This is a volume that will fivefold the current capacity in the region, and consequently, will bring new records for solar energy generation in the coming years.

Wind energy

In addition to solar, the Northeast also reached another record involving instantaneous wind energy generation. On July 8, the region produced 14,167 MW, equivalent to 123.2% of demand in the region.

This amount is enough to supply the energy consumption of the entire region for one minute, leaving 23.2%. For a minute that day, the region became an exporter of wind energy to the rest of the country.

Traditionally, the month of July in the Northeast is known as the wind harvest, with the strongest winds on the region's coast boosting wind energy production. This was the first record for instantaneous wind energy generation recorded in 2022.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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