Own solar energy generation reaches 9 GW

According to ABSOLAR, photovoltaic energy has already brought more than R$ 48 billion in investments to Brazil
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09-02-22-canal-solar-Geração própria de energia solar atinge 9 GW
The country currently has more than 828 thousand PV systems connected to the grid. Photo: Envato Elements

Solar energy has just reached the mark of 9 GW of installed power in Brazil, which is equivalent to 64.2% of the entire capacity of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant, according to mapping by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

The country currently has more than 828 thousand photovoltaic systems connected to the grid, bringing savings and environmental sustainability to more than 1 million consumer units. Since 2012, there have been more than R$ 48 billion in new investments, which generated another 270 thousand jobs accumulated in the period.

According to ABSOLAR, although it has made progress in recent years, Brazil continues to lag behind in the use of its own solar generation. Of the more than 89 million electricity consumers in the country, only 1.1% already use the sun to produce clean, renewable and competitive electricity.

The association's projections indicate that 2022 could be the best year for solar energy ever recorded in Brazil since 2012. According to the entity's analysis, its own solar generation will continue to grow at a rapid pace and should practically double its installed operational power, driven by increases in electricity tariffs above inflation and the publication of the Law No. 14,300/2022.

“Photovoltaic energy will have an increasingly strategic role in achieving the country’s economic and environmental development goals, especially at this time, to help with the recovery of the economy, as it is the renewable source that generates the most jobs in the world”, he pointed out. Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR.

“Solar has helped to lower the electricity bill for all Brazilians by reducing the use of fossil thermoelectric plants, which are more expensive and polluting and responsible for tariff flags that increase the electricity bill,” said Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors from ABSOLAR.

In total, photovoltaic technology is already present in more than 5,541 municipalities and in all Brazilian states, with the leading states in installed power being, respectively: Minas Gerais (1,545 MW), São Paulo (1,159 MW), Rio Grande do South (1,058 MW), Mato Grosso (618 MW) and Santa Catarina (476 MW).

Indicators of own solar generation

The solar source easily leads the segment, with more than 99.9% of installations in the country. In terms of the number of systems installed, residential consumers are at the top of the list, with 77% of connections.

Next come small businesses in the commerce and services sectors (13.1%), rural consumers (7.6%), industries (2.0%), public authorities (0.3%) and other types, such as public services (0.031 TP3T) and public lighting (0.01%).

In terms of installed power, residential consumers lead the use of solar, with 44.3% of installed power in Brazil, closely followed by small businesses in the commerce and services sectors (33.1%), rural consumers (13.6%), industries (7.7%), public power (1.1%) and other types, such as public services (0.1%) and public lighting (0.01%).

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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