Giraffas and Atua Energia come together to transform energy consumption in franchises

Brand franchisees become solar energy self-generators by acquiring a stake in the photovoltaic plant
3 minute(s) of reading
Franqueados da marca se tornam autogeradores de energia solar ao adquirir participação na usina fotovoltaica
If the initiative is implemented in all Giraffas units, it could result in energy bill savings of almost R$500 thousand per year. Photo: Giraffes/Reproduction

A network Brazilian fast food Giraffes closed partnership with the company Acts energy, as goal main of boost The sustainability It is generate savings at the consumption in electricity To the franchisees.

This partnership will also generate fixed savings in total electricity consumption for the 21% franchises in the state of Minas Gerais and 19% for the other states.

Through this proposal, franchisees can become solar energy boosters, by acquiring a stake in a photovoltaic plant operated by Atua Energia.

The project will take place in three phases, allowing franchisees to participate depending on the eligibility of their units. This year, 117 stores are within the scope of the project, with 49 of them in the first phase.

If the initiative is implemented in all Giraffas units, it could result in energy bill savings of almost R$500 thousand per year

How can franchisees become PV energy self-generators?

The partnership project is based on the shared generation modality, which can be consumed by a group of individuals or entities, both physical and legal (CPF or CNPJ), through a consortium or cooperative, in regions served by the same energy distribution company .

In other words, in this case, franchisees who decide to self-generate photovoltaic energy will be able to use the energy through a plant operated by Atua Energia as previously stated.

According to the company, it is essential to highlight that these savings extend to all franchisees with individual accounts with the energy distributor, regardless of the location of the unit.

“Units located in shopping malls with shared energy bills will be included in subsequent phases, ensuring the scope and equity of the project,” said Giraffas.

“This partnership seeks to offer solutions that enable our units to generate their own energy, promoting environmental sustainability, optimizing operational costs and maximizing financial results”, commented Eduardo Guerra, director of expansion and new business at Giraffas.

According to a projection made by Atua Energia, based on franchises that consume up to three thousand reais of energy per month, the annual savings could exceed R$7.5 thousand per year.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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