Government of Paraná and Engie close agreement to develop H2V market

Partnership will allow the state to direct, for example, the production of this renewable energy to agribusiness
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10-04-23-canal-solar-Governo do Paraná e Engie fecham acordo para desenvolver mercado de H2V
Agreement will also enable Paraná to seek international partners. Photo: Invest Paraná

A Invest Paraná – business capture agency of the Government of Paraná, linked to SEIC (Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and Services) – signed last Thursday (06) a Memorandum of Intent with the Engie Brazil.

The agreement aims to develop projects in Paraná for large-scale production of H2V (green hydrogen). According to Ricardo Barros, state secretary of Industry, Commerce and Services, the search for renewable energy is a government determination so that the state becomes a reference in sustainability.

“We understand that these partnerships are fundamental to accelerating the energy transition and we want to be protagonists in solutions for the decarbonization of different sectors”, pointed out Eduardo Sattami, CEO and Investor Relations Director at Engie Brasil.

“Engie’s global strategy is to create a strong position in green hydrogen and Brazil is fundamental to this, given the relevance of the group’s operations in the country, the mostly renewable electricity matrix and the abundance of natural resources to enable the growth of the electricity sector ”, he added.

The agreement with Engie, which in Brazil operates 10 GW of 100% energy from renewable sources, involves a government group dedicated to developing the H2V market in Paraná. 

“Our objective is to bring to this state project all partners that have investments in hydrogen on their radar. By fostering this relationship, we believe it will be strategic to develop this market”, said Guto Silva, state secretary of Planning.

Eduardo Bekin, CEO of Invest Paraná, explained that green hydrogen is already highly sought after by the market as a renewable source for export. Therefore, based on the partnership with Engie Brasil, the Paraná agency will increase its studies to find out what the state's vocation is in the production of H2V.

“This agreement will allow Paraná to seek international partners. And in the national market, we can direct, for example, the production of this renewable energy to our agribusiness”, highlighted Bekin.

Bekin also highlighted that Engie already has a strong partnership with Copel and the municipalities of Paraná. Therefore, he believes that the partnership will help the private sector in the State. 

“The initiative will bring more security to the market, as well as speed in decision-making and the search for other partners, as well as trends in this renewable energy sector”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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