Government will launch 'green package' with incentives for solar panels

Ministry of Finance prepares project for May that also includes incentives for the carbon credit market
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14-04-23-canal-solar-Governo lançará ‘pacote verde’ com incentivos para painéis solares
The Ministry of Finance is located on Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília (DF). Photo: Reproduction

Boost the economy with sustainable actions. This is the objective of Ministry of Finance, which is preparing a “green package” for May. baptized by Ecological Transition Plan, it is divided into six axes, with measures staggered over the next few months.

The project includes incentives for solar panels, carbon credit market and increasing the participation of forest products in exports. The information is from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

“The structuring is being done within the Treasury, with everyone immersed in the topic, but the entire government is engaged”, said Rafael Dubeux, special advisor to the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, to Estadão/Broadcast.

Commission on H2V is installed

The Special Commission for Public Policy Debate on H2V (green hydrogen). The commission will be chaired by senator Cid Gomes (PDT-CE) and the rapporteur will be senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA).

The group will work to promote green hydrogen as a source of clean energy generation in Brazil and propose a regulatory framework for the new technology.

H2V projects total R$ 150 billion in contributions

Green hydrogen projects under development in Brazil already total more than US$ 30 billion, equivalent to approximately R$ 150 billion at current prices. This is what Frederico Freitas, deputy secretary for green hydrogen at INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy), said in an exclusive interview with Solar Channel.

During the conversation, the executive also brought details about the actions that have been coordinated by the Department to promote this fuel, highlighted the current H2V scenario in the country and stated that Brazil has everything it takes to lead the production of the source in the world. little time if the Federal Government defines strategic actions for the commercialization and use of energy technology.

Green hydrogen projects already total R$ 150 billion in investments

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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