GreenYellow delivers three more solar plants to Claro

The systems installed throughout 2022 in the states of SP and RN correspond to 14.2 MWp
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25-01-23-canal-solar-GreenYellow entrega mais três usinas solares para a Claro
The 70 plants covered by Claro's initiative supply more than 20 thousand consumer units. Photo: Freepik

More three solar plants provided by GreenYellow, with the installed capacity total 14.2 MWp, joined in 2022 the “Energia da Claro” program, an initiative that foresees the use of renewable sources in all its operations and facilities in Brazil.

The photovoltaic systems located in the cities of Macaíba (4.46 MWp), in Rio Grande do Norte, Barra do Jacaré (2.36 MWp) and Ouro Verde (7.37 MWp), both in the state of São Paulo, are part of a long-term contract between the operator and the French multinational.

According to Marcelo Xavier, CEO of GreenYellow in Brazil, by the end of last year, the company had already handed over nine plants to Claro, totaling 48 MWp. Furthermore, in 2023, four more units with an installed capacity of 14.2 MWp are expected to be connected.

“This partnership is very relevant for GreenYellow because it represents the company's participation in such a significant energy transition program for the client”, stated Xavier.

The initiative fully meets the concept of Claro's program, as it should generate 28.3 GWh of energy per year and is capable of avoiding the emission of 2,800 thousand tons of CO² into the environment in the same period.

For Hamilton Silva, infrastructure director at Claro, the partnership between the companies is fundamental as it contributes to accelerating the remote self-consumption program developed by the operator.

“The solar energy front represents a significant portion of 'Energia da Claro' and GreenYellow has been serving us, with plants specially developed according to our needs, in different regions of the country since the beginning,” said Silva.

Implemented in 2017, the 'Energia da Claro' program is considered one of the largest distributed energy generation programs in the country among private companies. Currently, the 70 plants covered by the initiative supply more than 20 thousand consumer units and serve more than 60% of Claro's antennas with renewable energy.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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