GreenYellow, HDT and Risen Energy enter into strategic partnership

French multinational acquires bifacial panels with HJT technology for use in plants totaling 47.95 MWp
17-11-23-canal-solar-GreenYellow, HDT e Risen Energy firmam parceria estratégica
Agreement aims to promote the solar energy market in Brazil. Photo: Risen Energy/Disclosure

A GreenYellow, a French multinational of energy transition solutions, completed the acquisition of a batch of 69,498 units of photovoltaic modules with powers of 685 W and 690 W, bifacial, of HJT technology (Heterojunction) of Risen Energy.

The panels, supplied by HDT Energy, will be used in photovoltaic plants that, together, will reach a capacity of 47.95 MWp. The expectation is that the acquired modules, once in operation, will be capable of generating approximately 101 GWh per year.

According to the companies, such generation would be sufficient to supply an amount of energy comparable to that needed to avoid the emission of around 4,300 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually.

Marcelo Xavier, president of GreenYellow in Brazil, highlighted that the negotiation represents the most extensive acquisition of equipment they have ever carried out in almost a decade of presence in the Brazilian market.

Risen Energy releases technical report on modules with HJT technology

For Cristiano Siqueira, director of the Business Unit – Modules at HDT Brasil, the partnership with GreenYellow is of great value to the company in the supply of solar panels with a focus on distributed generation.

The models supplied by Risen, which include photovoltaic modules with powers of 685 Wp and 690 Wp, with 210mm cells, will be used in eight solar energy projects under construction in Brazil, located in the states of Ceará, Bahia and Piauí.

Second Ricardo Marchezini, Risen's country manager in Brazil, the manufacturer maintains a solid commitment to R&D (Research and Development) to ensure the delivery of cutting-edge products in terms of technology and performance.

“It is with great honor that we count on strategic partners and customers, such as HDT and GreenYellow, to face the challenges and drive the evolution of the solar sector”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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