Chinese group will invest R$ 2.5 billion in solar energy plant in RN

Works are scheduled to begin in November this year and will take around three years to complete
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Grupo chinês investirá R$ 2,5 bi em usina de energia solar no RN
Executives from the Government of Rio Grande do Norte and CITIC Group Corporation met. Photo: Disclosure

O Government of Rio Grande do Norte reported that it closed a agreement with the Chinese multinational CITIC Group Corporation for construction of a solar power plant in the municipality of Assu, with estimated investments in R$ 2.5 billion. 

To the construction he has forecast To be started in November this year, over 600 MWp of installed power, and will take approximately three years to complete.

This is the Chinese company's first investment in the region North East and the perspective is that they will be generated from 400 to 500 jobs direct costs during the implementation phase of the project. 

“The impact (of the construction of the plant) is much greater than just generating employment, which is already very important, but also due to the potential for economic movement as a whole in the Vale do Açu region”, said Hugo Fonseca, coordinator of energy development in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Beyond the partnership in the development of the new solar power plant, the chinese company also is interested in carrying out other projects in the region in the area of social housing, with memoranda of understanding already signed by the federal government linked to “Minha Casa, Minha Vida”.

Last week, the Senate approved the provisional measure that allows the use of solar energy systems in buildings financed by the program federal, as a way of reducing the electricity bills of low-income residents and democratizing access for more Brazilians to clean and renewable sources.


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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