Group of companies displays showroom on floating solar power plants

Initiative will be open to the public between August 28th and 31st, in the interior of the State of São Paulo
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Grupo de empresas exibe showroom sobre usinas de energia solar flutuante
Photo: Disclosure

A group of companies of the sector solar energy will be carried out between August 28th and 31st one show room to show details about the operation of power plants floating solar power and what are the main benefits of its use.

The event will be held in the city of Campinas, sp) and it is an initiative of the companies AE Solar, SMA, Fortlev, Royal FIC, Transmaq, Apollo, Getpower, Fiori, Altus, On-Off Grid, in partnership with Unicamp (Campinas State University). 

“We are experiencing a turning point in the form of energy consumption in the country and with initiatives such as the floating solar plant, we want to pave the way for this expansion and prepare our customers and partners to work with new technologies”, said Ramon Nuche, director Latam from AE Solar.

Davi Moraes Santana, product development engineer at Getpower Baterias, and André Gellers, country manager at SMA Brasil, explain that the event will be packed with content and will feature innovative solutions presented by the organizing companies.

“The event was organized to give visibility and spread knowledge about floating solar plants, which are growing in Brazil. It is an event for a target audience that works or is thinking about working with this application”, said Santana. 

“We support the event, because we know that there is great unexplored potential in this segment, with several advantages associated with these activities”, stated Gellers.

For these and other reasons, Alves Teixeira Filho, CEO of Apollo Flutuantes, also reinforces the invitation to interested parties. “We want to further boost the use of solar energy and share new, affordable, sustainable and diverse options for photovoltaic applications with the public.” 

Floating power plants

Unlike traditional solar power plants, which involve the use of solar panels on the roofs of homes, commercial establishments or on the ground, in floating plants the panels hover over the water. 

To do this, they are attached to floats, which ensure that the panels do not sink and are at the right angle to capture sunlight. The structures have a metal ring to guarantee mechanical, electrical and anchoring integrity. 

According to ANA (National Water Agency), Brazilian conditions are very favorable in relation to floating solar plants, since there are more than 420 thousand lakes spread across Brazil. Furthermore, the country has several artificial reservoirs, due to the areas occupied by hydroelectric plant dams. 

How to participate in the event?

Residents of São Paulo and the region who are interested in attending the venue can reserve their place in exclusive executive van transport at a cost of R$ 50.00. Transport will always leave at 9am from Shopping Center Norte towards the event location. For more information, just click here.


Date: 28 to 31 August 2023, every day from 10am to 5:30pm;

Address: TMW Energy, located on Rua Walter Franco de Lima, Parque Xangrilá, in Campinas (SP).

Price: Free entrance. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. It is with great appreciation that I congratulate everyone involved in this event, as with such a great project, they present enormous visibility for this type of energy harvesters. With these solar channels, energy capture reduces consumption by at least 90%. Today, many companies, buildings and even homes are investing a lot in this type of collector.
    I wish these companies much success!!!

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