The history of insurance and its importance for solar energy

Discover the origins of insurance and how it continues to be fundamental to protecting your client's investment
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A história do seguro e sua importância para a energia solar
and others. Image: Elétron/Disclosure

The insurance market is fundamental to Brazil's economic development and has attracted more and more consumers in search of protection and financial security.

To get an idea of its relevance, according to CNseg (National Confederation of Insurance Companies), the sector earned R$ 660.5 billion in revenue last year, corresponding to 6.2% of the country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The estimate is that by 2030 this number will grow to 10%.

But have you ever stopped to think about how insurance came about and why it has become increasingly essential these days?

In this article, we will explore the origins of this practice and how it has evolved to become an indispensable tool for mitigating risks, particularly in the area of solar energy.

The origin of insurance

There is no specific event that marks the exact beginning of insurance, but there is evidence that, at least 23 centuries before Christ, rudimentary forms of insurance already existed in cameleer caravans.

During this period, it was common for traders to risk their lives on dangerous journeys through deserts and hostile regions.

To mitigate the risks of these trips, traders created mutual protection agreements among themselves. In case of losses, such as bandit attacks or natural disasters, everyone contributed to compensate for losses suffered by one or more members of the caravan.

This was one of the first examples of mutualism, which is the basis of insurance.

In Brazil, the sector began to develop later, in the 19th century, following the country's economic and commercial expansion.

Over time, the Brazilian insurance market has diversified, covering not only marine insurance, but also life, health, automobile and, more recently, insurance for solar energy systems.

Solar energy insurance

This insurance emerged as a natural response to the accelerated growth of the photovoltaic market, aiming to protect equipment against the main risks that could harm or even completely interrupt energy generation.

Because it is specific, it offers better cost-benefit to the customer, containing the necessary coverage to protect the investment in the event of any type of accident, such as windstorm, hail, fire, lightning strike, electrical damage, theft, among other causes of damage. external.

Another characteristic of insurance is to reestablish financial balance, that is, the compensation must not generate losses or profits for the insured. The purpose is just to restore what was lost.

It is worth mentioning that insurance is a “good faith contract”, based on mutual trust between the insured and the insurer.

Proof of this is the absence of a prior inspection before taking out the insurance, that is, the insurer trusts the insured to correctly declare the condition of the modules.

However, precisely because it is based on trust, any attempt at fraud can result in the insurer breaking the contract and, obviously, the denial of compensation.

However, when used correctly, insurance offers numerous benefits, providing peace of mind to the consumer, who is sure that their investment is protected, at the same time as it represents a competitive differentiator for the professional, demonstrating their concern for the client's investment.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Mauro Filho
Mauro Filho
Founder and CEO of Elétron, the only insurtech in Brazil specialized in solar energy, with more than 400 thousand insured photovoltaic systems. Professor at the School of Business and Insurance and speaker.

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