Cancer Hospital will have a reduction of R$ 390 thousand in its electricity bill with solar

The plant, which occupies an area of 2,351 m², has more than 900 540 Wp photovoltaic modules
Hospital de Câncer de PE terá redução de R$ 390 mil na conta de luz com solar
The plant is the largest project ever carried out by Neonergia in health units in the state. Photo: Disclosure

Neoenergia Pernambuco and HCP (Pernambuco Cancer Hospital) inaugurated, this Tuesday (27) in Recife, the solar plant installed at the institution.

According to the distributor, the system will provide savings of around 23.4% of the hospital's annual consumption, which means a reduction of approximately R$ 390 thousand in the cost of electricity per year.

In total, 910 540 Wp modules were used to build the project, which will have a capacity of 491 kWp, with an estimated annual generation of 778,615 kWh/year.

The plant, which occupies a total area of 2,351 m², approximately 70% of the roof, is the largest project ever carried out by the company in health units in the state.

“Energy efficiency is one of the main treatments we can offer to institutions like HCP, adding financial and environmental sustainability. Here we are showing that public-private partnership can generate important benefits for the population”, said Solange Ribeiro, vice-president of Regulation, Institutional and Sustainability at Neoenergia.

“The HCP project is relevant for Neoenergia Pernambuco as this is one of our largest solar generation projects in the state. There are 910 panels that will generate enough energy to supply a quarter of the health unit’s consumption”, highlighted Saulo Ribeiro, president of Neoenergia Pernambuco.

According to João Paulo Rodrigues, director of Institutional Relations at the group, the installation of this system will directly contribute to better energy efficiency in the unit, as well as considerable savings in resources that will certainly be contributed to other locations that can further help with treatment. of patients.

“Neoenergia, through the Energy Efficiency Project, makes an important contribution to environmental sustainability, in addition to savings in energy consumption, reducing the cost of monthly bills and providing more investment in the treatment and well-being of cancer patients”, celebrated Cláudia Barbosa, general superintendent of HCP.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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