Immersion in sales and prospecting for the solar sector

Performa 2.0 brings a selection of renowned speakers and offers exclusive workshops
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Performa 2.0 traz seleção de palestrantes renomados e oferece workshops exclusivos
Premium Hotel, located in Campinas (SP). Photo: Performa Solar/Reproduction

O Performa 2.0 it is happening this Tuesday (02), at Premium Hotel, located at city of Campinas (SP). O event will discuss to the strategies in sales It is prospection at the sector, bringing a selection of speakers renowned who will share insights valuable.

The edition – which will have the participation of Marcelo Baratella, Marcelo Artel, Joaquim Fernandes, Fábio Furtado and Pedro Drumond – promises a deep immersion in the world of B2B sales and the photovoltaic market.

In addition to the lectures, Performa 2.0 will offer exclusive workshops, where participants will be able to put into practice the strategies learned, as well as business and networking opportunities.

A special highlight will be the gastronomic experience, providing memorable moments during the event. For Paulo Pessuti, founder of Solar Negócios, Performa appears as an innovative initiative to boost the solar market.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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