Importing energy through Âmbar can bring savings of R$ 1 billion per year on the electricity bill

Renewable energy generated in Venezuela will replace fossil sources at about half the current price
Energia Solar Canal Solar Importação de energia pela Âmbar pode trazer economia de R$ 1 bi por ano na conta de luz
Amber's authorization is to import up to 120 MWh. Image: Freepik

A Amber Energy, a J&F group company, will begin in the coming weeks the import in energy generated in Venezuela for the Brazil. The electricity in the neighboring country is renewable source and will replace, at around half the price, the fossil energy used today in the state of Roraima.

This milestone was reached after the conclusion of Venezuelan investments in the renovation and modernization of the transmission line that connects the neighboring country to Roraima, which was deactivated.

According to the company, the energy offered will cost up to 50% less for Brazil than the fossil fuel thermal plants that currently supply the state of Roraima. Âmbar's authorization is to import up to 120 MWh, which will mean savings of up to R$ 1 billion per year on Brazilians' electricity bills.

“We have structured a commercial operation that offers Brazil a new alternative to reduce energy costs in the country, while at the same time contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the Brazilian energy matrix”, he stated Marcelo Zanatta, president of Âmbar Energia.

In addition to Venezuela, Âmbar already has authorization to import energy generated in Argentina and Uruguay, in addition to a gas pipeline that connects Brazil to Bolivia and allows the import of gas directly from the neighboring country. “By including another country in our operations, we consolidate our position as an agent of South American energy integration”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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