Event highlights the importance of lithium for the low-carbon economy in Brazil

The energy transition needs lithium to happen concretely
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Evento destaca importância do lítio para economia de baixo carbono no Brasil
Lithium exploration is vital to meet the growing demand for high-capacity batteries. Photo: Aggreko/Disclosure

Brazil has stood out in the transition of its energy matrix for sustainable sources. In 2023, the country reached a record 93% of clean energy generation. In this scenario, lithium mining becomes essential to further boost these positive numbers. This is the assessment of Aggreko, leader in energy solutions.

The company highlighted, during the Brazil Lithium Summit 2024 in Belo Horizonte, the importance of lithium to the energy transition and the advancement of the low-carbon economy in Brazil. 

Currently, the Brazil accounts for 2.3% of global lithium production, with the forecast of reaching up to 5% of the global total by 2026. According to Elizangela Santana, Business Development Manager for the Mining Segment at Aggreko, energy transition needs lithium to happen concretely.

“This growth not only reinforces the country's position in the international clean energy scenario, but also stimulates local economic and technological development, favoring the creation of jobs and attracting investments in sustainable infrastructure”, he emphasized.

"In addition Lithium exploration is vital to meet growing demand for batteries of high capacity, essential for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, consolidating Brazil as a strategic player in the global energy transition value chain”, he added.

His statement highlights the importance of lithium in production of high capacity batteries, fundamental for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems. In her assessment, without lithium, the viability of the transition to clean and sustainable sources becomes a challenge, due to the intermittency of the sources.

Lithium production in Brazil

Between 2021 and 2023, the Brazil rose from 11th to 3rd place in terms of mineral revenue, second only to iron and gold. Elizangela highlighted that “this promising scenario places Brazil in a strategic location for research, development and innovation in the mineral sector”. 

“The abundance of natural resources and investment in logistics infrastructure reinforce the national capacity to attract foreign investment and strengthen existing partnerships. This favorable environment drives the creation of new jobs, the consolidation of the local economy and Brazil's leadership in the global arena of sustainable technologies”, he concluded.

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Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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