INEL creates R&D secretariat to promote renewable energy sector

The research group will focus on DG, storage and electric vehicle technologies
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O INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy) made official, this Tuesday (26), the creation of the Research and Development Secretariat that will be commanded by the former professor of Electrical Engineering at UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajubá), José Wanderley Marangon Lima.

The company's objective is to coordinate activities to contribute to research and innovation in renewable energy in the electricity and transport sectors.

According to the institute, the work will focus on DG (distributed generation), storage, EV (electric vehicle) technologies and their interactions with the electrical grid in technical and economic aspects.

“One of the goals is to outline guidelines for a more efficient, sustainable and resilient energy system to climate change,” explained Marangon.

"O INEL is at the forefront with the initiative to bring technical and innovation contributions to effectively contribute to the country’s development, in this case, with the increase in the use of clean energy in the energy system, the decarbonization and democratization of the sector”, he analyzed.

The secretary also highlighted the importance of partnerships, both in Brazil and abroad, to exchange data and information about the reality and future of the Brazilian electricity sector.

Last week, for example, INEL signed a cooperation agreement with IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) to accelerate the development of clean, zero-emission energy deployment solutions.

For Marangon, the exchange of ideas for the development of renewable energy in the country is essential and this is one of the main action plans of the new secretariat.

“It is beneficial to look at what is currently happening abroad and bring it to Brazil’s reality, as well as correctly disseminate to the world what is being done in Brazil in relation to clean energy”, he reported.

Heber Galarce, president of INEL, emphasized that the creation of the Research and Development Secretariat is another important step for the institute with the aim of contributing to the renewable sector in the country.

“The search for innovation, with new data and relevant information, is fundamental for this market, which has grown exponentially in Brazil. Professor Marangon is a renowned academic with extensive experience in the energy field. I am sure that your work will generate great results for the segment”, he concluded.

Academic and professional trajectory

José Wanderley Marangon Lima is a specialist in Transmission and Distribution Prices, Energy Prices, Planning and Operation of Electrical Systems.

He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from IME-RJ (Military Institute of Engineering) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), in addition to a degree in Business Administration from UFRJ.

Between 1980 and 1993, he participated in and coordinated studies on the operation and planning of Electrical Systems at Eletrobrás. From 1993 to 2015, he worked at UNIFEI as a full professor of Electrical Engineering and was pro-rector of the university between 2013 and 2015.

In addition, he spent time at Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency), at the University of Texas, in Austin (USA), and at the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), where he was part of the group that developed the New Brazilian Electric Model.

He also serves as CEO of Marangon Consultoria & Engenharia where he coordinated R&D (Research and Development) projects for more than 20 companies and public service concessionaires.

New INEL Legal Directorate

INEL also announced a new legal director. This is the lawyer specializing in Energy Law, Marina Meyer Falcão, who took office this Monday (25) with the aim of intensifying institutional action and expanding the institute's actions and efforts in the legal sphere to forward and accelerate the vote and approval of PL 5829, which aims to create the GD legal framework.

“We are living in a decisive moment, in the midst of a serious water crisis with direct impacts on electricity tariffs throughout Brazil, which attests to the need for the country to invest in its great potential for the use of clean and renewable energy, which even they are cheaper”, he highlighted.


Marina is legal director of ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation); president of the OAB-MG Distributed Generation Law Commission; member of the OAB-MG Energy Commission; was superintendent of Energy Policy for the State of Minas Gerais (2009 to 2014); was representative of the State of Minas Gerais in the Renewable Energy mission in Germany in 2018 and in the United States in 2016; She is a professor of business model courses in GD from a legal and tax perspective, in addition to being the author of three books on Energy Law.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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