Innovation, AI and diversity to deliver the energy of the future

Innovation manifests itself in solving problems, transcending operational processes
Inovação, IA e diversidade para ofertar a energia do futuro
An integrated approach benefits the company as a whole. Photo: Helexia/Disclosure

Innovating is necessary. In the corporate world, innovation should not be seen as a responsibility restricted to a specific department or board. Instead, it is essential that it becomes an encouraged practice at all levels, permeating all areas of the company. 

Our experience demonstrates the importance of a department specialized in transforming demands into solutions. This department not only supports all areas of the company, but also meets various internal and external needs. 

Whether developing systems and tools according to the demands of departments or our customers, integrated approach benefits the company as a whole.

Innovation manifests itself in solving problems, transcending operational processes. For example, if the Human Resources area needs a tool to carry out an engagement survey, the innovation department is called in to meet this demand. 

Likewise, if the Project Development team needs to direct all data to a single repository, the innovation division provides the necessary support.

So that the innovation truly permeates the entire organization, it is essential to promote diversity within the workforce. The greater the diversity, the greater the potential for innovation. 

This doesn't just refer to technology experts, but also to people who genuinely think differently. These people, accustomed to solving complex problems in their lives, bring a unique and valuable perspective.  

Diversity and innovation at all organizational levels are essential to face the challenges of the energy transition and corporate future. This combination strengthens the company's ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. 

Therefore, we must increasingly seek this diversity of thought and experience to continue innovating and leading in the energy sector and beyond.

In practice, the scenario looks like this: when we face a problem that makes it difficult to serve a certain type of customer, innovation emerges through different perspectives. Questions like “Have you thought about this?” or “Have you ever seen it from this angle?” are essential. 

To find these solutions, we need to master technology and see it as a means, an instrument that makes it possible to achieve innovative results. A innovation is in the mind, while AI (Artificial intelligence) is the means to reach these solutions, never the end.

And, once again, the creativity and innovative potential of these brains that govern technology are essential. How do we do it in our house? We already use Artificial Intelligence. 

O Helexia Hub – an integrated utilities management platform, which uses AI principles to predict the efficient consumption of each piece of equipment in a company. 

If there is any change in the normal level of consumption, the system automatically issues an alert. And it is through the use of AI, with technology developed by our solutions engineer, that we are able to better serve the customer. 

With advances in Artificial Intelligence invading our lives and dominating processes in our society and companies, global energy consumption increases precipitously. 

Therefore, innovative solutions in energy efficiency become increasingly necessary and urgent. Who will bring these solutions, aligned with the global needs of energy transition Towards a more sustainable world, people will be responsible for enabling and training AI tools. 

Promote the Diversity broadens our perspective on problems, creating an environment conducive to increasingly creative and innovative solutions. 

Diversity and innovation go hand in hand; by incorporating different views and experiences, we increase our ability to solve problems effectively and innovatively.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Aurélien Maudonnet
Aurélien Maudonnet
CEO of Helexia Brasil. He has more than 20 years of professional experience, working for more than 13 years in the renewable energy sector. He has an MBA in international business management from TRIUM (NYU Stern New York, HEC Paris, LSE London), during his career he held the positions of CEO of Areva Renewable Brasil and CFO LATAM of Voltalia. At the head of Helexia, he actively participates in the debate on the scenarios and paths of solar energy with a young and refined outlook.

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