Flow reversal: ANEEL should restrict rejection of projects up to 75 kW, says Aliança Solar

During a technical meeting held today (22), members of the Agency committed to publishing a new regulation on the topic
Energia solar Canal Solar ANEEL deve restringir reprova de projetos de até 75 kW, afirma Aliança Solar
Image: ANEEL/Disclosure

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) is expected to implement a new regulation to restrict energy distributors from rejecting projects of up to 75 kW under the allegation of flow reversal.

The information was released by Solar Alliance, formed by MSL (Movimento Solar Livre) and INEL (National Institute for Clean and Sustainable Energy), after a technical meeting held between representatives of ANEEL and members of Aliança Solar.

Canal Solar energia solar em pauta na ANEEL

“We made a technical presentation today (22) for ANEEL staff, in the presence of the superintendent [Carlos Mattar], who is part of ANEEL's regulatory issues. After the presentation, he assured us, first hand, that for projects of up to 75 kW, a new ANEEL regulation will be issued prohibiting distributors from denying the connection. This is a great victory for the sector”, said Múcio Acerbi, member of Aliança Solar.

“We managed to convince ANEEL staff that up to 75 kW makes no sense for distributors to deny access and connection to integrators and electricity consumers in Brazil,” he added.

“This is the first time that we have a formal position at ANEEL. We study, step by step, the behavior of power flow, not flow inversion”, highlighted Hewerton Martins, president of MSL.

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“We carried out the simulations with software similar to the same one that the concessionaire uses so that it was clear that what controls the network is the flow of power, and the current moves in any direction.

“There is no inversion of power flow to reject projects. In the same way that it does not exist for wind or centralized solar. So, it doesn’t make sense for a load center to be rejected”, he added.

“We finally had excellent news compared to the latest news we had in the last few weeks, in the last few months”, highlighted lawyer Marina Meyer Falcão, legal director of INEL.

Still according to her, ANEEL is scheduled to discuss article 73 so that the Resolution item does not continue to be used incorrectly to disapprove projects due to flow reversal.


Find out more: Is power flow inversion really a problem?


Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

10 Responses

  1. goodnight. I understand, however, I have a question. When the flow reversal exceeds the nominal power of the system, that is, when there is greater reverse flow than the nominal power of the generation system.

  2. Great report and good news!!! Is it possible to have access to the technical document that Aliança Solar presented to ANEEL?
    If yes, how to get it?
    E d g a r

  3. From what is written, nothing will come of it! Because: CEMIG, for example, does not reject projects! It simply gives the alternative (terrible, of course) of a nighttime injection. Associations are incorrectly using the term “failure”. Unless ANEEL is very specific and clearly mentions that up to 75 kW “does not constitute an inversion of power flow, daytime injection into the distributor's network is permitted”. Anything beyond that will come to nothing.

  4. Anyone who has not invested in a solar panel can invest without fear. No one ever told me that something went wrong and there was maintenance to be done over the years. We don't tell anyone about the shame. The pleasure of producing your own energy is priceless, I try to call it an energy fetish. It's like having a sauna at home.

  5. So be it!!! Otherwise the sector would have an expiration date, since we ourselves have already had 06k rejected due to flow reversal! Thank you very much to everyone involved!!!

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