InvesteSP and ABSOLAR sign an agreement to boost solar energy in the state

Initiative aims to attract new investments, generate more jobs and income and create new business opportunities in the region
InvestSP e ABSOLAR firmam acordo para impulsionar a energia solar no estado
Photo: Fernanda Magalhaes

Aiming to accelerate the growth of solar energy in the state of São Paulo, Investe SP (Agência Paulista de Promoção de Investimento e Competitividade) and ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy) signed a cooperation agreement.

The measure aims to attract new investments in the region, create more jobs and income for the population and boost the development of new business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The agreement also aims to expand access to solar energy for residential consumers, productive sectors, agribusiness and the public sector in the state of São Paulo.

“In São Paulo, economic development respects the environment. Therefore, Investe SP works to attract and encourage clean and renewable energy projects, which help transform and modernize São Paulo's energy matrix. Initiatives like this contribute to this objective and reinforce the ESG agenda in the State, which tends to become an important competitive differentiator to attract new investments”, stated Torquato Jardim, executive vice-president of Investe SP.

The work of Investe SP and ABSOLAR will consist of identifying entrepreneurs in the solar sector interested in investing in the state, sharing information about the São Paulo photovoltaic market, evaluating business trends, improving the regulatory and legal environment, strengthening the relationship between the state of São Paulo and the solar sector, cooperate in events and joint actions, inside and outside Brazil.

For Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO ABSOLAR, this agreement with the São Paulo government expands collaboration in favor of the social, economic and environmental development of the region.

 “Solar energy in the state of São Paulo currently has an installed power of approximately 1.4 GW, including large solar plants and small and medium-sized self-generation systems on roofs, facades and land. Since 2012, the solar photovoltaic sector has generated more than 44.2 thousand accumulated jobs, with investments of around R$ 7.5 billion and revenues to the public coffers of R$ 1.9 billion”, Sauaia pointed out.

Currently, São Paulo occupies the 2nd position in the state ranking of its own solar energy generation, with more than 934 MW in installed power in the modality, totaling around 118 thousand small and medium-sized generation systems.

“With this partnership, the state demonstrates its interest in further expanding access and use of photovoltaic technology by consumers in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings”, highlighted Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors.

“The sector is very optimistic about the new partnership and is prepared to contribute to the sustainable economic recovery of the state, also helping to achieve São Paulo’s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recently presented by the Government of the State of São Paulo at COP26 ”, concluded Koloszuk.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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