Investments in solar energy accumulate R$ 8 billion between January and March

Numbers take into account the sum of contributions made in Brazil in the distributed and centralized generation segments
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Energia solar já acumula R$ 8 bi em investimentos no Brasil em 2023
Solar energy in Brazil is approaching the 27 GW mark of installed power. Photo: Pexels

The sector of solar energy moved about R$ 8 billion in new investments in Brazil at the beginning this year, according to the Solar Channel, based on data from monthly reports published by ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). 

You numbers take into account the sum of contributions made both in the G.D. (distributed generation) how much GC (centralized generation) between the first weeks of January and March.

Since 2012, the photovoltaic source has already been responsible for capturing more than R$ 129.6 billion in investments, according to the association. Of this total, R$ 88 billion were invested in the last two years alone, between March 2021 and 2023.

Investments in solar energy since 2012, totaling R$ 8 billion in 2023.

For ABSOLAR, all amount which has been recorded over the last decade has been important not only for the sector growth with consumers, as well as for the generation of jobs, preservation of environment It's from Social development from the country. 

By December of this year, the photovoltaic association's expectation is that accumulated investments at the source will surpass the R$ 170.9 billion mark since 2012.

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The studies presented by the association also reveal that the growth of solar energy has caused the source to consolidate itself once and for all as the second largest in the Brazilian electricity matrix, currently with a share of 12% and behind only hydro generation plants (50.6%).

The data also revealed that, since 2012, more than 34.5 million tons of C02 were no longer emitted into the Brazilian atmosphere due to investments in the source, which, in the same period, was also responsible for generating 781.6 thousand direct jobs in the country.

Check out some of the benefits generated by the source in Brazil since the last decade below: 

Solar energy numbers in Brazil since 2012. Source: ABSOLAR


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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