ISA CTEEP invests R$ 465 million in renewing the transmission park in the 1st semester

The initiative is part of the company's Asset Renewal Plan, which foresees R$ 5 billion in contributions between 2023 and 2027
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25-08-23-canal-solar-ISA CTEEP investe R$ 465 milhões em renovação do parque de transmissão no 1º semestre
Modernization of the Centro Substation. Photo: ISA CTEEP/Disclosure

A ISA CTEEP invested R$ 465 million at renovation of your active at the first semester of the year, a 44% top volume compared to the same period in 2022, when the company contributed R$ 323 million.

According to the company, these assets, installed in the state of São Paulo in the 1970s, have reached the end of their useful life and, therefore, need to be renewed.

From January to June, the transmitter replaced 664 old pieces of equipment, compared to 171 replaced in the same period last year, an increase of 286.5%, with a focus on reinforcing the reliability of the energy supply.

Among the main modernized assets are transformers, circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, protection systems and transmission lines – all of which have scheduled renewal at the end of their useful life in order to guarantee their proper functioning and avoid any type of occurrence in the operation.

Main projects

In the first half of the year, 25 projects, totaling R$ 156 million in contributions (ANEEL Capex) were energized and around 50 are being executed. Among the main highlights are:

  • Completion of reinforcement works on the 138 kV Barra Bonita–São Carlos–Rio Claro Transmission Line, improving service to the ceramics industry in the region;
  • Delivery of the first phase of modernization of the Centro Substation, increasing supply security in the capital of São Paulo;
  • Modernization of the São Sebastião Substation and reinforcement of the Bertioga Substation, improving the reliability of energy supply on the north coast of São Paulo;
  • Modernization of the Penápolis and Mococa substations, which, combined with the replacement of more than 180 pieces of equipment, provided an increase in capacity, safety and reliability in the energy supply in the state of São Paulo.
Modernização da Subestação Centro (Foto: Divulgação)
Modernization of the Centro Substation. Photo: ISA CTEEP/Disclosure

Importance of renewing the transmission network

The investments are part of the company's Asset Renewal Plan, which encompasses reinforcements (installation, replacement and renovation of equipment in existing assets or adaptation of facilities to increase capacity, reliability, useful life or connection of users) and improvements (execution of works for installation, replacement or renovation of equipment in existing assets or adaptation of facilities to maintain the provision of adequate services).

According to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), contributions to reinforcements and improvements are inserted in the context of providing adequate services, which meet the conditions of regularity, continuity, efficiency, security and reasonableness of tariffs, in addition to understanding the modernity of techniques, equipment and facilities, as well as conservation and expansion.

“Contributing to the robustness of the SIN (National Interconnected System), through investments in reinforcements and improvements, is a high priority for ISA CTEEP,” said Dayron Urrego, executive director of projects at ISA CTEEP.

“Such contributions are part of our Asset Renewal Plan, which foresees R$ 5 billion in investments between 2023 and 2027, and are in line with our purpose of generating sustainable value, as they increase the reliability of service provision to society and ensure the sustainability of the business”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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