January records an increase of 6.7% in energy consumption in the SIN

This data is in the survey carried out by the ONS for the first month of the year
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O consumo de energia em janeiro foi de 79.583 MW
An increase in energy consumption is recorded in January. Photo: Freepik/ Reproduction

O YES (National Interconnected System), recorded in January consumption in 79,583 average MW. This means that the growth in energy consumption about January 2023 was from 6,7%, this is what the monthly load bulletin of the ONS (National Electric System Operator).

When if analyzes you last 12 months, the bulletin informs that the increase in consumption was of 5.7%, in in relation to 2023.

The substantial increase can be attributed to the increase in temperatures above the historical average in the south, southeast and center-west regions of the country, caused by El Niño.

To reach these results, the ONS considered data from MMGD (distributed micro and mini generation), which began to be part of the survey, starting in May 2023.

The comparison between January 2024 and January 2023 brought growth to three regions: North 11.3% (7,241 average MW); Northeast 9.2% (13,262 average MW); Southeast/Central-West 4.6% (45,248 average MW). The southern region recorded a drop in demand of 0.7% (13,831 average MW).

There is an increase in all regions in the 12-month period, when the analysis is made in relation to the subsystem. The results were: North (13.2%), Northeast (6.8%), South (2.8%) and Southeast/Central-West (5%). 


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