Jinko Solar receives Triple A bankability rating

Research analyzes banking viability of companies operating in the photovoltaic market
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Jinko Solar recebe a classificação AAA de bancabilidade
The rating is present in the PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings report. Photo: Jinko Solar/Disclosure

The solar module manufacturer Jinko Solar received the classification Triple A for the PVTech. The classification is present in the report PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings, which analyzes the banking viability of companies. The analysis refers to the first quarter of this year.

The certification was well received by the manufacturer, who highlighted that the company has been investing more and more in R&D (Research and Development) and service to be a reference brand in the international photovoltaic market.

“Jinko Solar has been one of the leading suppliers of photovoltaic modules in terms of volume shipped over the last decade. Our model has been the benchmark for utility-scale module suppliers around the world,” the company told Solar Channel.

“The key factor in Jinko’s emergence as a volume market leader in recent years has been the creation of strong overseas sales/marketing channels in a way that few other Chinese companies have been able to do. Technology has been prioritized in recent years, with a rapid transition to a mono-only strategy by the end of 2020,” he added.

Still according to Jinko, another highlight is the expansion in the production of ingots, wafers, cells and modules, which in 2021 added up to 20-40 GW, growing even more until the end of 2022 for 40-60 GW. For this year, the company estimates it will reach the range of 110-130 GW.

Jinko Solar Innovations

One of the points analyzed by PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings is R&D investment. And one of Jinko Solar's new features in the first quarter of this year is the Neo Green series, which are N-Type TOPCon modules were produced in factories that use 100% of energy from renewable sources and are certified as Zero Carbon by TÜV Rheinland.

According to the manufacturer, the Neo Green series production line has an initial capacity of 5 GW. Still with an eye on sustainability, innovation and environmental responsibility, Jinko also received Zero Carbon certification in the production of silicon ingots, silicon wafer cutting, cell and solar module manufacturing.

About the ranking

The Triple A classification is an international certification that qualifies photovoltaic module manufacturers considering production capacity, investments in R&D (Research and Development), product quality and financial health.

The so-called bankability is a classification in which financial agents can assess the market's risk scale. It is important for all segments, but especially for the solar energy sector.

This is because equipment manufacturers can be evaluated in relation to financial data and production capacity, on a scale that goes from C (high risk) to AAA (high profitability).

Since 2013, the survey has captured annual metrics and, from the last quarter of 2015, the study began to capture quarterly metrics.

Today, certification is an essential tool for all investors, developers, EPCists and solar plant owners, where module supplier selection is critical to maximizing project performance, reliability and long-term returns.


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