Recôncavo Solar Laboratory: different technologies available in the PV sector

Unit will be of great value for research and teaching at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia
Objetivo do laboratório é analisar diferentes tecnologias de módulos fotovoltaicos
The objective of the laboratory is to analyze different photovoltaic module technologies

A collaboration between UFRB (Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia) and Amara Energia made it possible to create a photovoltaic solar energy laboratory with the aim of carrying out studies of different technologies available in the photovoltaic sector in real conditions.

The laboratory will also be of great value to the university's academics, who will be able to carry out research, develop articles and coursework using the laboratory's structure. These structures are often not easily accessible to the academic community. 

16 photovoltaic modules distributed in a string inverter (inverter A) and three microinverters (inverters B, C and D) were installed and commissioned. All inverters work in the same climatic conditions, installed on the same electrical network and with modules facing the same direction. 

Figura 1: Fotos da montagem do laboratório de energia solar na UFRB (Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia) em colaboração com a Amara Energia
Figure 1 – Photos of the assembly of the solar energy laboratory at UFRB (Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia) in collaboration with Amara Energia
Figura 2: Fotos da inauguração do laboratório Recôncavo Solar na UFRB, Bahia
Figure 2 – Photos of the inauguration of the Recôncavo Solar laboratory at UFRB, Bahia

The three microinverters are connected close to the modules, next to the installation's fixing structure, and the inverter is housed in a covered installation with the appropriate technical needs and 10 meters away from the photovoltaic modules.

In summary, the following photovoltaic systems are located in the laboratory:

Table 1: Inverter technology and installed power of photovoltaic systems



Installed Power (kWp)

Inverter A



Inverter B



C inverter



D Inverter



Figura 3: Fotos dos inversores instalados
Figure 3 – Photos of installed inverters

As the objective of the laboratory is to analyze different photovoltaic module technologies, the following arrangements were carried out:

Table 2: Photovoltaic modules used in the systems



Inverter A – Sungrow SG2K-S

2 kW

6 – TSM-DE15M 405 Wp

Inverter B – APsystems YC600

0.6 kW

1 – TSM-DE15M 405 Wp

1 – TSM-DE15H 390 Wp

Inverter C – APsystems QS1

1.2 kW

1 – TSM-DE15H 390 Wp

2 – TSM-PE15H 340 Wp

1 – TSM-PE14A 330 Wp

Inverter D – APsystems QS1A

1.5 kW

2 – TSM-DEG15MC. 405 Wp

2 – JAM78S10 440 Wp

As indicated in Table 2, the connections between modules and inverters can be better represented through the following diagrams.

Figura 4: Diagrama elétrico do arranjo com o inversor A – SG2K-S
Figure 4: Electrical diagram of the arrangement with inverter A – SG2K-S
Figura 5: Diagrama elétrico do arranjo com os inversores B, C e D – YC600, QS1 e QS1A
Figure 5 – Electrical diagram of the arrangement with inverters B, C and D – YC600, QS1 and QS1A

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For a better understanding of the laboratory's lines of research, the construction characteristics of each module present in the plant are highlighted here:

Table 3: Cell types and module technologies used in the different laboratory systems


Cell Type

Type of Technology Present

TSM-DE15M 405Wp

Monocrystalline Silicon 

Monofacial; Half cell; Multibusbar and PERC

TSM-DE15H 390Wp

Monocrystalline Silicon

Monofacial and Half-cell.

TSM-PE15H 340Wp

Polycrystalline Silicon

Monofacial and Half-cell.

TSM-PE14A 330Wp

Polycrystalline Silicon


TSM-DEG15MC. 405Wp

Monocrystalline Silicon

Bifacial; Half-cell, glass-glass and Multibusbar 

JAM78S10 440Wp

Monocrystalline Silicon

Monofacial; Half cell; Multibusbar and PERC

As a result, several research studies will be carried out in the laboratory with the aim of expanding practical knowledge linked to the theory of photovoltaic systems. Initially the following comparisons will be made:

  • String inverters x microinverters;
  • Polycrystalline modules x monocrystalline modules;
  • Monofacial modules x bifacial modules.

One cannot fail to highlight the structures used in the plant, both for soil: the Ecoground structure and a conventional single-post structure. Each structure has different configurations and parameters that deserve to be analyzed, as well as their impact on energy generation. 

The following topics stand out here: height above ground, angle of inclination, spacing between rows and width between sheds. For the systems analyzed here, the height above the ground and the angle of inclination will be the preponderant factors, as discussed in the article “EcoGround Structure – Differences and advantages compared to conventional soil structures”.

For the single-post structure (Figure 6) the local inclination (13°) was used with the modules installed in portrait and for the Ecoground structure (Figure 7) the inclination of 15º (manufacturer's standard) was used with the modules installed in landscape .

Figura 6: Estrutura monoposte montada no laboratório Recôncavo Solar
Figure 6 – Single-post structure assembled in the Recôncavo Solar laboratory
Figura 7: Estrutura Ecoground montada no laboratório Recôncavo Solar
Figure 7 – Ecoground structure assembled in the Recôncavo Solar laboratory

With these structures, the influence of the inclination and height of the modules in relation to the ground will be analyzed for the generation of the photovoltaic system. 

The effect of the presence of gravel at the installation location of the bifacial modules will also be studied, with the aim of increasing the albedo to capture greater solar radiation on the lower face of the module. Factors like these are described in more detail in the article “Albedo (reflection coefficient): definition and influence on bifacial modules”.

In summary, this laboratory will present and study the main differences between photovoltaic systems connected to the electrical grid in a practical way. The results will be disseminated to society through articles and annual reports regarding the generation and efficiency of each system analyzed. 

Picture of Thiago Mingareli Cavalini
Thiago Mingareli Cavalini
Electrical engineer graduated from UNIOESTE (State University of Western Paraná) and postgraduate in Occupational Safety Engineering. Experience with BT and MV projects since 2016 in the photovoltaic sector in the design and execution phases of distributed micro and minigeneration systems. Since 2018, he has worked as a photovoltaic systems consultant, specifically providing pre- and post-sales technical support.

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