Law requires distributor to exchange customer meters with photovoltaic systems

The Law provides for a fine of R$ 1,900 if the concessionaire does not replace it within the period stipulated by ANEEL
Lei obriga distribuidora a trocar medidores convencionais pelos bidimensionais

Energisa, an electricity distributor that operates in the state of Mato Grosso, is expected to change the meters of consumers who have photovoltaic systems in their homes. The Law, decreed by the ALMT (Mato Grosso Legislative Assembly), was published in the official diary last Tuesday (27).

According to the Law, the inspections requested by consumers in their respective consumer units must be carried out within seven days of the request and the electricity concessionaire will have to replace the bidirectional consumption meter within seven days from the date of the request. of the inspection.

In case of non-compliance, the concessionaire must pay a fine corresponding to ten UPF/MT (Mato Grosso State Fiscal Standard Units) per infraction, equivalent to R$ 1.9 thousand.

“The enactment of the law, after the veto of Governor Mauro Mendes was overturned, is a victory for the citizen. It took Energisa up to two months to change the meters, harming consumers”, declared state deputy Faissal Calil (PV), author of the bill. 

“During this period, citizens are producing electricity, making it available on the distribution network and are not compensated for it. What we wanted with this law was to establish what is right and correct in law, correcting this delay and we achieved it”, he added. 

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) determined a deadline of seven days for Energisa to exchange conventional meters for bidirectional meters, as the bidirectional meter is a fundamental component for solar energy systems connected to the electricity grid.  

The meter is necessary to compensate for what the consumer unit produces with its solar panels, and what is inserted into the distribution system. This surplus, used by Energisa, is calculated using bidirectional meters.

Unlike the conventional clock, popularly known as a clock, the bidirectional clock measures not only the energy consumed by an installation, but also the amount of energy injected into the electrical grid and sold by the concessionaire.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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