Tenders in the sector: how does it work and how to participate?

Distributor Techlux has experience in supplying photovoltaic equipment to companies that win bids
Licitações no setor: como funciona e como participar?

Installation companies operating in the solar sector can take advantage of opportunities in the photovoltaic market by opening tenders from institutions and public bodies throughout the country.

This type of competition is an administrative and formal procedure, generally carried out by public authorities, in which the conditions of a service, acquisitions or price registration for contracts are presented in advance. 

At the end of the process, the body or institution responsible for the bidding process will select the proposal that meets the criteria established by the notice.

In an interview with Solar Channel, Fábio Delgado, commercial director of Techlux Distributor, commented on how companies in the solar segment that are interested in participating in bidding processes can follow and participate in bids.

What is your experience in bidding processes?

Techlux has extensive experience in serving companies that win bidding competitions. We have already sold equipment to several customers who supply them for bidding processes.

Generally, they request all relevant documentation for panels and inverters to meet the minimum technical requirements.

Based on your expertise, which bidding categories can installation companies participate in?

Almost all. Normally, in very large processes two bids are made, one to supply the equipment and another to provide the service. However, most city halls or agencies, whether municipal, state or federal, already bid for the entire context, which includes photovoltaic material, electrical material for interconnection to the electrical grid and installation and connection engineering services with concessionaire, and monitoring of generation after switching on for at least the service warranty period.

Normally, notices request from participating companies the technical collection of installations of plants of the same size to learn about the company's experience in providing the service.

In general, what criteria do companies need to meet to participate in the bidding process? Is there any requirement for the company to qualify?

Yes, technical knowledge from previous projects is normally required. Minimum performance requirements and guarantees are also required for equipment. 

In other words, photovoltaic equipment requires the appropriate technical characteristics for the required future generation. For example, for inverters and modules, they require technical specifications relevant to conversion performance, INMETRO, international certificates, among others.

How can an integrator/EPCist company stand out in this segment in Brazil?

In fact, we realized that the more an EPCist participates in tenders, the more he learns and increases his collection to be able to participate in larger ones. 

The EPCist learns in the context of the competition, but also often helps public authorities that do not have this expertise. For the most part, public bodies, before publishing a notice to purchase the system, previously contract a photovoltaic project correctly specifying each appropriate technical characteristic, the supply phases of the work, and the acceptable generation levels after its completion.

Tips and guidance

Aiming to assist companies that want to participate in tenders, SEBRAE (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses) listed the main requirements required of companies:

Legal Qualification: It is necessary to verify the legality of the company, the sector in which it operates and the corporate situation. Proof is through the presentation of documents required by law, such as the articles of incorporation and its amendments registered with a notary or commercial board.

Technical qualification: confirms the company's technical capacity to provide the negotiated service or product. Such qualification is proven by documents proving aptitude, technical reports, declarations or documents that prove such skills.

Economic-financial qualification: the company needs to prove that it has the financial conditions to supply. The company's accountant must be up to date with the balance sheet documentation, present accounting documentation from the last fiscal year and a negative bankruptcy certificate. The company's minimum share capital or equity may also be required. 

Tax compliance: it is necessary to present proof of registration and certificates that prove tax regularity, such as the CNPJ card (National Register of Legal Entities); Regularity with the Treasury at all levels, national, state and municipal.

Furthermore, SEBRAE informs that it is necessary to present the certificate relating to contributions to the INSS (National Institute of National Insurance) that proves regularity regarding social security; and the regularity regarding the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service).

Furthermore, for the company to obtain certificates it is necessary to prove that taxes, fees and social charges have been paid. Furthermore, it is recommended that prior research be carried out on the future client. 

Research is important to verify the financial situation, obtain commercial references and carry out a risk analysis. 

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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