Credit lines for solar plants and public lighting increases by 500% in the state of SP

Credits for the construction of photovoltaic projects exceeded R$ 34 million in 2023
Linhas de créditos para usinas solares e iluminação pública sobe 500% no estado de SP
São Paulo leads Brazil in installed power in GD Solar. Photo: Pixabay/Reproduction

O Sao Paulo's State Government increased by 500% the value of financing granted to city halls for the construction of solar plants It is changing public lighting in 2023, through the Develop SP

In 2023 there were R$ 34.5 million in investments, while in the previous year there were only R$ 5.7 million.

Currently, the state leads the country in solar production of DG (distributed generation) with 3.74 GW of power. This year, São Paulo already added 157 MW of solar DG capacity.


The municipality of Tabapuã, in the northwest of São Paulo, should complete the construction of a solar plant by the end of March. This project will generate savings of 53% for the city, in addition to supplying all public buildings in Tabapuã.

Due to the high temperatures in the city, the city council decided to install air conditioning in all schools, which generated an exponential increase in the city's electricity bill. The failure to shut them down will only happen due to the start of operation of this plant.

“The calculation is simple. The city council was spending R$ 320 thousand per month and this will fall to R$ 150 thousand. If the plant were used to generate residential energy, it would be enough, for example, to supply the consumption of a thousand homes”, said electrical engineer Felipe Oliveira, from Nexsolar, a company hired by the city council for the project.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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