Largest photovoltaic park in São Paulo opens

R$ 750 million were invested in the solar plant implemented in Pereira Barreto (SP).
Maior parque fotovoltaico de SP é inaugurado

Last Friday (8), the electricity distributor EDP Renováveis opened the largest photovoltaic solar park in the state of São Paulo and the fifth largest in Brazil. 

According to the distributor, the project has 600,000 solar panels and a generation capacity of 547 GWh per year, enough to supply a city with more than 750,000 inhabitants. 

The 455-hectare solar plant, located in the city of Pereira Barreto (SP), received investments of around R$ 750 million by the distributor. 

The park is part of EDP Renováveis' energy transition, which aims to reduce 90% of carbon emissions by 2030. In Brazil, the company's expectation is that the goal will be achieved with the expansion of wind and solar energy generation.

Furthermore, the implementation of the solar park was also positive for workers in the Pereira Barreto region, the project generated around 1,500 jobs, which is equivalent to 56% for local workers.

Opening of the photovoltaic park

The inauguration event was attended by Miguel Stilwell, executive president of the EDP group and CEO of EDP Renováveis; João de Altayr Domingues, mayor of Pereira Barreto; Otávio Gomes, mayor of Ilha Solteira and; Cassiano Quevedo Rosas de Ávila, State Undersecretary of Energy and Mining. 

Read too: Porsche signs partnership with EDP to use charging stations in Brazil

During the event, Stilwell stated that Brazil is a key market for realizing the group's business plan, as it has great potential in both renewable sources in several regions. “This project represents the company’s commitment to diversification, in this case through photovoltaic solar energy,” he stated.

Furthermore, the executive announced that the company plans to invest R$ 16 billion in the construction of other plants in Brazil for the generation, transmission and distribution of energy over the next five years.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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