Most people interested in solar don't know they can finance systems

Research shows that only 8% of consumers who have already thought about purchasing PV panels knew about credit lines
Maioria dos interessados em solar não sabem que podem financiar sistemas
Solar energy already serves over 1.8 million consumer units in Brazil. Photo: Pixabay

One search prepared by BV Bank pointed out that 69% of Brazilian consumers have already thought about having solar energy in their homes to lower the electricity bill and use the savings obtained on other expenses.

However, despite the strong interest observed, only 24% of them managed to create some type of budget and only 8% reported that they knew of the existence of credit lines financing exclusive to photovoltaic panels.

At the understanding of Banco BV, the final result of the research only shows that the Brazilian consumers know that it is possible to have solar energy at home, but there is still no knowledge on viable alternatives for accessing technology.

Currently, the distributed micro and minigeneration segment has more than 1.43 million photovoltaic systems installed, which serve more than 1.86 million consumer units in the country, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

The financial institution also assesses that, although solar energy is already one of the largest sources with a share in the national electricity matrix, the number of Brazilians supplied by it is still below what it can be, given the more than 85 million consumers in the country. country.

Another highlight in the study is the relevance of class C in financing, which today accounts for around 40% of simulations and hiring, according to the internal criteria for determining income.

In total, the entity’s survey – conducted by MindMiners Institute – interviewed 1,100 people during the month of July in all regions of the country. The participants were all responsible or co-responsible for paying household expenses in their homes.

Importance of financing

According to Thiago Diniz, director of Banco Genyx, the market for photovoltaic energy compensation through own generation is relatively new and does not yet reach the majority of consumers. For him, the offering of credit lines is what allows the democratization of access to solar energy by other consumer classes than just A and B.

“For this reason, financing with installments that allow the exchange of savings generated on the electricity bill for investment in the generator kit promotes democratization and helps to spread the importance of financing to enable the transition to an increasingly clean and renewable energy matrix” , he commented.

The executive adds that, as financial institutions begin to understand that the risk of default on solar kit financing is lower than that on vehicle financing, the market will offer more competitive rates and consequently serve a greater number of people. .

“Default tends to be lower in solar financing, as in addition to lowering your energy bill, it increases the value of the property”, he highlights, remembering that Genyx itself is one of the companies in the national photovoltaic sector that offers differentiated credit conditions for the Marketplace.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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