March should end with reservoirs above 60% of capacity

According to the ONS, the North region may have the highest indicator with 96%
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Segundo o ONS, a região Norte pode ter o indicador mais elevado com 96%
The operator highlights that the reservoirs are in good condition due to the efficient work of the ONS. Photo: Freepik

The PMO (Monthly Operations Program) bulletin was published last Friday (08), referring to the operational week between March 9th and 15th. According to the ONS (National Electric System Operator), the scenario is of stability for the EAR (Stored Energy) estimated for the end of the month.

“All subsystems should arrive on the last day of the month with levels above 60%, a result of the good management of water resources that has been carried out by the ONS”, they stated.

According to the Operator, the North region may have the highest indicator with 96%; next is the Northeast, with 71.7%; the Southeast/Mid-West, with 65.8%; and the South subsystem, with 64.3%.

The ONS highlights that the reservoirs are in good condition due to the efficient work in the management of water resources, especially considering the projections for ENA (Affluent Natural Energy), which remain below the historical average for this normally humid period.

The South region stands out with a more optimistic perspective in relation to the volume of water that will enter the reservoirs, reaching 115% of MLT (Long Term Average).

ENA's estimate is that by the end of March in the North the percentage will reach 89% of MLT. For the Southeast/Mid-West and Northeast, the percentages indicated are 59% from MLT and 56% from MLT, respectively.

Projections indicate growth in load demand in both the SIN (National Interconnected System) and three of its subsystems – except for the South, which is expected to remain stable without advances or setbacks (0%), with an estimated load of 14,585 MW.

Growth in SIN is expected to reach 4.2% (82,716 MW). Among the submarkets, the greatest acceleration is expected in the North, with 7.8% (7,436 MW), followed by the Northeast, with 6.1% (13,163 MW), and by the Southeast/Central-West, with 4.5% (47,532 MW) .

“The numbers are comparisons between the perspectives of March 2024 and the same period in 2023. The CMO (Marginal Operating Cost) remains at R$ 0.04 and is the same for the four subsystems”, concluded the ONS.

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Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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