GD's Legal Framework can reduce electricity bills throughout Brazil

Bill on own energy generation could reduce electricity bills across the country
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Associações do setor se mobilizam em prol da energia solar

PL 5829/19 (Bill), currently under debate in the National Congress and which provides for the creation of a legal framework for own energy generation in Brazil, can bring more security to the country's sustainable growth, reduce the energy bill light of all Brazilians and at the same time generating new employment and income opportunities for the population.

He must move towards establishing a fair price for solar energy and other sources for all consumers in the electricity sector, in order to guarantee legal security and predictability in the country.

Brazil already has more than 5 GW of installed power on roofs and small plots of around 80% in Brazilian municipalities, the solar energy market has surpassed the R$ 24 billion mark in accumulated investments since 2012, with approximately 150 thousand jobs created.

PL 5829/19, authored by federal deputy Silas Câmara and with a current report by federal deputy Lafayette de Andrada, is today the most effective solution to eliminate the risk of a regression to solar energy and other renewable sources used for distributed generation.

The generation of solar energy itself brings important social, economic, environmental and electrical benefits to society as a whole, whose attributes were included in the replacement for PL 5829/19. These benefits far outweigh the possible costs of the modality to the country.

Only by reducing costs in the use of fossil thermoelectric plants, the approval of the PL will bring more than R$ 150 billion in savings by 2050, according to a study by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), reducing the weight of red flags on electricity bills and contributing to the reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector.

Additionally, more than R$ 23 billion in savings will also be provided on electrical losses in the transmission, distribution and generation of electrical energy in large plants, far from consumption locations.

While more than 60 countries implement public policies to make their 100% electrical matrices clean and renewable, Brazil has just activated all of its fossil thermoelectric plants, which are the most expensive and polluting in the country.

The reason is the lack of water in the hydroelectric reservoirs, a situation that gets worse every year. The use of solar energy is one of the best alternatives to reduce this overload and represents around 1.7% of the entire Brazilian electrical matrix.

At this moment, businesspeople, consumers, entities and professionals in the sector are united to defend Brazil's progress through the population's accessibility to solar energy.

Next Tuesday (8), we will all be in front of the Esplanada dos Ministérios in Brasília at 9am, demanding the vote on PL 5829/19, which so far has not happened.

The country needs to follow the trend of the rest of the world and the growth in the use of renewable and clean energy is irreversible. The movement that grows every day to prevent the setback from happening implores “Brazil, let solar energy grow”.

Picture of Lucia Abadia
Lucia Abadia
Partner at Yellow Solar and Sustainability Director at ABGD (Brazilian Association of Distributed Generation)

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