Electric matrix expanded by 1.5 GW in April

More than 80% of new projects in operation in the month were solar or wind energy
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Matriz elétrica teve ampliação de 1,5 GW em abril, com 20 novas usinas solares
Expansion was led by solar and wind plants. Photo: Reproduction/ANEEL

With collaboration of Frederico Tapia

As biggest jump registered since December 2023, the month of April this year presented a expansion in 1.5GW at electrical matrix Brazilian, according to data released by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) this Thursday (16). 

In total, they were 49 plants entering commercial operation last month, with 20 photovoltaic projects (733.7 MW); 20 wind power plants (559.9 MW); six plants thermoelectric plants to biomass (208.5 MW) and a hydroelectric plant (3 MW). 

At the accumulated of the year, are already more than 4.13 GW of installed power in the country, with 127 new plants with its commercial operations authorized by ANEEL in 14 states. 

You main highlights of the year, so far, are the large northern river (1.38 GW); The Bahia (673.5 MW); It is Minas Gerais (649.5 MW). 

During the month of April, O Piauí was the state with greater expansion of the electrical matrix, with 14 new projects in operation and an expansion of 400 MW. 

Still according to the Agency, Brazil already has more than 202 GW of power in supervision. Of this total in operation, around 85% is the result of renewable energy plants, as shown in the illustration below: 

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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